Mindpass makes managing passwords simple, easy, accessible and secure by leveraging the power of the human brain 🧠. Simply select four objects from the Mindpass 3D environment and our cross platform system will ensure your credentials are protected and ready to use with automatic form fill and/or copy/paste functionality anytime, anywhere.
🗝️ Mindpass Key - Mindpass builds a very strong key for your credentials using a rich 3D environment. It's easy to remember which items you choose, because thats how the human brain works. No more clunky passwords to remember.
0️⃣ Zero Trust - Mindpass never has access to your passwords because they are encrypted and decrypted on your device only. Mindpass syncs your encrypted passwords between your devices, so you are safe and secure.
w/ ✨ Auto Form filling, ✍️ Password generation & 👩🏫 Learning Mode
As a visual person, you should try mindpass. Your credentials never leave your device unencrypted, and you have to register your device with an email 2FA to get access to your account with your encrypted credentials. The secret key to decrypt your credentials is called your 'mindpass', which is a very natural selection of 4 objects in a 3D environment. Very easy, extremely high entropy. Source: about 3 years ago
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