Aside from that The Forge is also: They're contractors who can help with building engines or updating them. Pretty sure a while back when we learned The Forge was used, research indicated the only thing they had helped with was Vulcan support as that's all they said they'd done on their portfolio where they listed BGS. Source: almost 2 years ago
We know they're overhauling almost every aspect of the engine (E3 trailer was essentially a demo of Creation Engine 2) and they've hired a ton of talent specifically for that initiative. One example off the top of my head, the hired the lead animations engineer from Saints Row IV to rebuild that system. They're apparently also working with the Forge team on some of the engine stuff. Source: over 3 years ago
Bethesda hired The Forge to work on the engine. this was discovered on their GitHub page where they slid in that they worked on the engine. Source: over 3 years ago
I'm trust this API more than Godot because it has been use by Super Giants to create Hades which won many awards and become popular game. Also Forge team work with many AAA company. (COD, Spider Man PS4, Bethesda new engine for Starfield) and not just that the guy behind this is Wolfgang Engel. Source: over 3 years ago
They did get to help with their optimization so hopefully this will be a thing of the past. Source: almost 4 years ago
Today Skullzi released a video regarding theForge interactive. A company which focuses on delivering tools for engine optimization and helping out to creating custom engines who work on projects such as Star Citizen and other games (including on Bethesda Game Studios next gen engine). you can find that info here pretty quick. Source: almost 4 years ago
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