Monento helps track expenses and incomes in easy and clear way. Financial data can be encrypted and securely synced between mobile and desktop devices. All data can be imported and exported.
Features: 🚀 Easy to start. 💵 Multi-currency accounts. 🛒 Custom categories. 🔖 Tags. 📱 Apps for Android, iOS, Mac, Windows and Linux. ☁️ Cloud sync between devices. 🔐 Local and end-to-end encryption. 📦 Import and export CSV and JSON files.
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Other features: - A lot of income and expense categories out of the box. - Local data can be encrypted, the app is locked a password or PIN-code. - Cloud sync uses end-to-end encryption for data to ensure that only your devices can read them. - Accounts and categories can be arbitrarily grouped. - Transactions can be marked by tags to overview specific cases, '#travel-2018' as example.
All basic features are free. There is "Monento Pro" subscription which helps develop and maintain the application. The subscription enables "Cloud Sync" feature and it can be purchased via mobile apps.
Next features in plans: - Planned and recurring transactions; - Budgeting; - Advanced reports.
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