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TW Elements

Tailwind Elements is the most popular open-source library of UI for Tailwind. Download free templates, plugins & component examples.

TW Elements Reviews and details

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Features & Specs

  1. Modern Design

    TW Elements offers a sleek and contemporary design, which enhances the visual appeal and user experience of your web applications.

  2. Customizability

    The framework provides extensive customization options allowing developers to tailor the components to fit specific project requirements easily.

  3. Responsive Components

    Components are designed to be fully responsive, ensuring that web applications work seamlessly across different devices and screen sizes.

  4. Ease of Integration

    TW Elements can be easily integrated into existing projects, simplifying the process of adding modern UI elements to older codebases.

  5. Comprehensive Documentation

    The platform provides detailed documentation, making it easier for developers to understand and implement the various components and features.


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Tailwind Elements tutorial - Tailwind CSS components library

Social recommendations and mentions

We have tracked the following product recommendations or mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you see what people think about TW Elements and what they use it for.
  • Ultimate UI and Development Resource Guide for 2024 🚀
    3. Tailwind Elements A free collection of essential elements and components designed with Tailwind for modern websites. Tailwind Elements:. - Source: / 5 months ago
  • A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev
    TW Elements - Free Bootstrap components recreated with Tailwind CSS, but with better design and more functionalities. - Source: / about 1 year ago
  • 500 open-source components for TailwindCSS
    I'd like to share my latest discovery with you. TW Elements is currently, the most popular 3rd party UI kit for TailwindCSS with over 10k Github stars. It's a huge collection of stunning components made with attention to the smallest detail. Forms, cards, buttons, and hundreds of others. All components have dark mode and very intuitive theming options. The project is... - Source: / over 1 year ago
  • 🚨Big News! Renaming: TW Elements is the new name of the game, TWE for short! 🚨
    Domain changed to - Source: / over 1 year ago
  • 10 best Tailwind CSS component libraries
    Tailwind Elements is a huge set of more than 500 UI components. These components range from very simple — like headings, images, and icons — to very complex, like charts and complete forms. They can be used for almost any kind of project, especially for complex ones. - Source: / over 1 year ago
  • Are there any good design to tailwinds tools?
    Don't use automatic Figma to code generators unless you are aiming for spaghetti code. Instead, try to find a UI Kit that is already compatible with Figma. FLowbite is an option: Https:// And if you want something open source you can check out Tailwind Elements: Https:// They will be releasing their Figma files in a couple of... Source: over 1 year ago
  • What do I need to land my first job as a junior/entry level developer in 2023?
    My recommendation would be to learn using design systems and UI Kits that take care of it for you right away. My choice would be MDBootstrap React for Bootstrap, and Tailwind Elements for Tailwind. Source: over 1 year ago
  • Best Tailwind Component Library for Small-Scale Application
    Use Tailwind Elements it's open-source and uses Vite, purgeCSS and modularity for optimization. Source: over 1 year ago
  • How to build a project when I suck at UX/UI
    Stitch these together: tailwind elements. Source: over 1 year ago
  • how do i do this
    While tailwind does have an official set of customizable components called tailwindUI, it isn't free ($350 for lifetime access). I'm sure there are many free options available though, as tailwind is so widely used these days. You could check out, or even flowbite for some good examples to start with. As far as I know, you can pretty much just copy and paste most of the components from the... Source: almost 2 years ago
  • How can I do full stack development with Next.js?
    Make your front-end development faster: Since you would have to focus on backend for this entire process, I would recommend you to build your front-end as simply as possible. That's a reoccurring issue for full stack beginners to get stuck on styling & forget to create functionalities :P. I would recommend you to use ready Tailwind themes or libraries like Tailwind Elements. Source: almost 2 years ago
  • Tailwind UI
    Have you used Tailwind Elements too? If so, do you think flowbite is better? Source: almost 2 years ago

External sources with reviews and comparisons of TW Elements

Tailwind CSS: 15 Component Libraries & UI Kits
I think Tailwind Elements strives for a fairly minimal look and feel. The documentation shows you how to get it going with npm, or you can use the CDN also to get a quick look at how the kit works in practice. Sadly, there don't seem to be any components pre-written for frameworks like React, but it can be installed as a separate library for your project.
22 Best Sites for Free Tailwind Components
This is one of my favorite libraries. In addition to having a better design, these elements also have more functionality. Tailwind Elements includes over 700 UI Components, design blocks, templates, and more. It basically looks like an improved Bootstrap.
How to Choose a Tailwind Component Library (Plus the Top 6 Options)
Tailwind Elements takes one of the most successful component libraries of all time, Bootstrap, and gives it a breath of fresh air using TailwindCSS. They currently offer over 500 components for all your design needs and best of all, it’s completely free to use. They also offer more than your typical components; they also offer “design blocks” which are custom-designed, ready-to-use sections of pages like hero,...

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