TypingDNA Focus
The first app to predict your mood based on how you type.
Best TypingDNA Focus Alternatives & Competitors in 2024
The best TypingDNA Focus alternatives based on verified products, community votes, reviews and other factors.
Latest update:
AI grammar correction with transformers
Clear, effective, mistake-free writing everywhere you type.
Build powerful web apps, and create your custom AI apps, no code needed!
Secure Autocomplete for Chrome
Quickly check your website for spelling errors
For the smarter writer. A grammar checker, style editor, and writing mentor in one package.
AI-enabled writing tool for writers, editors, and businesses
Make your writing surprisingly efficient
Writefull provides you with the tools you need to improve the quality and consistency of your writing.
Suggests and completes words as you type! Write faster and more efficiently.
AI powered writing assistant
Quillbot is a free paraphrasing tool that will rewrite any sentence or paraphraph you give it. The article rewriter can rewrite essays or articles and is excellent as a grammar and fluency corrector.
WFH doesn’t need to be lonely or repetitive!
AI-powered writing companion