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Documentation: Entity Framework Core Documentation. - Source: / 25 days ago
I needed a way of persisting user data so I decided to use Entity Framework and .NET Identity. This took out a lot of the complexity around doing things like setting up my own SQL database and building my own user authentication functionality. - Source: / 3 months ago
One possible path is working with databases using Microsoft Entity Framework Core (EF Core) or using a data provider like Dapper. - Source: / 3 months ago
Data operations are performed by Microsoft Entity Framework Core 8. - Source: / 3 months ago
Traditionally, building business processes involves a highly database-centric approach. Development typically begins with a comprehensive database design, setting up schemas and tables before moving on to create classes and properties. These classes would then map to the database schema using Object-Relational Mappers (ORMs) like Entity Framework, NHibernate or Dapper. This method, while effective, often leads to... - Source: / 4 months ago
What about Entity Framework? This is a valid path but lessens the learning process for working with data. Once creating web and other project types that include Window Forms the choices are working with a data provider or Microsoft EF Core. - Source: / 7 months ago
Here there are three basic paths, working with json for a crude way to store data to using SQL-Server database where there are two paths, the first using Dapper and the second EF Core. - Source: / 10 months ago
Several well-known NuGet packages such as, FluentAssertions, StyleCop, Entity Framework Core, and others include by default a significant number of Roslyn analyzers. They help you adhere to the conventions and best practices of these libraries. - Source: / 10 months ago
If we are talking C# you can use EntityFramework (EF) for the SQL connection bit and to start the process you use the Process class to start the mstsc process. Source: about 1 year ago
Now lets consider string notes; A string can be null and for decades we used String.IsNullOrEmpty() to check that. The same goes for databases such as Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) which allows you to have a NULL value in column of NVARCHAR type To glue this together in .NET you can use Entity Framework Core (EFCore) with Database First approach creating DbContext and following DBO: Assuming we have some data... - Source: / over 1 year ago
As for getting started in dotnet/C#, a few resources/things I would recommend: - Dotnet documentation. This is really well maintained and is a very good kicking off point. - ASP.NET Core (everyone loves API's) - Entity Framework. Source: over 1 year ago
Learn how to read and insert images into a SQL-Server database using Dapper, Entity Framework Core and SqlClient data provider. - Source: / over 1 year ago
The code samples provided are based on an expressions with emphasis for EF Core while provides a data provider sample also. - Source: / over 1 year ago
Then look into EF Core to handle your interactions with the database. Source: over 1 year ago
In this article with basic to intermediate code sample, learn how to generate data which can be used for working through data schemas along with Entity Framework Core (EF Core) using Bogus. - Source: / over 1 year ago
EF Core, which is an ORM similar (and more powerful IMO) than JPA and Spring Data. Source: over 1 year ago
Querying a (MySQL) database can be done in multiple ways in .NET, I usually prefer to use Entity Framework Core. For components, I like to use the MudBlazor component library. It also has an autocomplete component. If you want to look at different options for Blazor libraries/components(and more) you can take a look at this awesome collection. Source: almost 2 years ago
In your case with .NET, you probably want to check out Entity Framework. It's .NET's main ORM, and it can be used outside of the ASP ecosystem for just about anything you could need it for. It does abstract away most of the SQL from you, so if your goals is to learn SQL, you probably want to do that first, but it's a great way to just get going with a database in C#. Source: almost 2 years ago
Database and possible choices: I don't know if you've already chosen how to interact with your database. But from your description I would go for entity framework core (or rather EF core). Source: almost 2 years ago
We are starting building a Customer Web API with Net Core 6 Using the native dependency injection provided on this framework and creating a repository pattern taking advantage of the entity framework and one of the most used nuget packages, automapper following the Solid Principles. - Source: / about 2 years ago
Little to no documentation? Did you look at all? This is some of Microsoft’s best documentation to date.. Source: about 2 years ago
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