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BetterHash is a cryptocurrency miner. It uses the power of your PC to validate cryptocurrency transfers. It is an advanced, powerful tool designed for both experienced and beginner users. Reviews and details

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  • Can it be done? Mining remotely | windows background mining | windows service | help | 24* 2080 Supers
    I'm talking 24 2080 supers now these computers are running simple processes in the genre of AutoCAD excluding rendering like Maya. So are basically never used at there full potential except after school on several days during esports club. So being the largish brained individual that I am, I thought it would be a great idea to utilize them for mining according to sites like I would be getting 26.25... Source: about 3 years ago
  • 0.0038 ETH per day with space/weight constraints?
    PS: The numbers above are taken from's MyAccount page, mining is done through phoenixminer-eth. Source: over 3 years ago
  • newbie guy aboarding spaceship to learn to mine using i5-2320 as test device to learn in free time, and hear some opinons and advise as progress
    I got this i5-2320 (caché de 6M, hasta 3,30 GHz), and I liked the idea to start learning how to mine crypto besides learning other bunch stuff (like nft and tradings) in my free time,so when I searched on google I only found on (idk...i think this website is legit?) that this i5-2320 can work, but obviously earn so little (so dont bother this is just a test to learn how to mine and study better... Source: over 3 years ago
  • How do I crank this puppy to melting point? 2.4 kH/s instead of 80 kH/s. Papa no like, papa no kiss.
    Looking up the two cpus on Reveals: 4770K 1967.11 H/s (There is no 4700K that I can find) 4770 1806.20 H/s (Your cpu). Source: almost 4 years ago
  • Not getting full hash rate...
    I read on that the Geforce GTX 1660 TI has a hashrate of 25.42 MH/s. I just started mining with that gpu yesterday but for some reason I am only getting 1.8 MH/s. I am using the latest version of Claymore Dual Miner. Anyone know why that may be? Source: almost 4 years ago

External sources with reviews and comparisons of

Top 10 NiceHash Alternatives In 2020
BetterHash will only switch from one algorithm to another if there is considerable profit difference between the two of them. It supports both CPU and GPU mining, but only runs on Windows OS. You will need a 64-bit PC for a better mining experience. Follow this link to get started with BetterHash.
Best NiceHash Alternatives | 2020 Guide
BetterHash is a NiceHash alternative which automatically selects the coins with the best profitability and switches between algorithms mechanically. Both beginner and experienced miners can use this software. Mining is free, but you will have to pay fees when withdrawing.

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