We know how to send an email. We know to open a new tab. We know how to check our messages. And it's so easy to switch between these things, that we get overwhelmed.
Amna is a digital workflow tool that helps manage your chaos: one thing at a time. As you work, Amna will automatically open your browser, save all of your work, give you a space to drop your notes, and help plan ahead with a calendar view.
You should try Amna (https://getamna.com). It wraps around this workflow and manages all of your browser windows. - Source: Hacker News / about 3 years ago
Shameless plug, but maybe you can try Amna[0] which has local first time tracking and provides a focus bar that creates a cohesive deep work experience. [0] https://getamna.com. - Source: Hacker News / over 3 years ago
Hey, I'm building a productivity app that can do calendar, tasks and notes. I've never thought about building around WebDav or ICal. Mainly because those protocols seem to be abstracted away by Google, Apple, and Outlook APIs, so it never crossed my mind to create something on top of the barebones protocol to manage calendar events. Anyways, here's my pitch. I'm building Amna (https://getamna.com), it stores data... - Source: Hacker News / over 3 years ago
I knew it! I'm working on a tool called amna (https://getamna.com). It manages your Chrome Windows for you as part of tasks. However, it does so by giving you a new profile of Chrome to work with Amna, without any extensions. Kind of like a brand new browser. It's funny because most people who try Amna are like , whoa, how did you make Chrome so fast? They just don't realize that they have all of these unused and... - Source: Hacker News / over 3 years ago
“Add a speed bump to the way you work”. I like that a lot. People work better when they pause, and I think one way to do that is being intentional. In fact, it’s not about getting to a place fastest at the cost of leaving it just as fast. A project I’ve been working on is amna. Imagine, before you open your browser, you need to state your task. Just a little bit of friction to slow you down from jumping mindlessly... - Source: Hacker News / over 3 years ago
I feel the same. It’s just way too overwhelming. Checkout Amna, it might be able to help (https://getamna.com). It minimizes those browser windows away, and you can focus one thing at a time. - Source: Hacker News / over 3 years ago
3. Surfing (random things you find when you're browsing) Everything that you do is theoretically a context. But a task is more of an "intentional" context. You already know it exists before you stumble upon it. The way people work today, the browser mixes all three paths together. Therefore you have people struggling with bookmarks, and tab hoarding. It's this lack of "context" separation that confuses people on... - Source: Hacker News / over 3 years ago
Hi. I may have something for ya. Founder of Amna here (https://getamna.com). Amna can do this (kind of). If you don't explicitly "close" a window in Amna, Amna will just minimize it. So it preserves the state (e.g scroll), while still giving you freedom to work on something else with a clean slate. It's not perfect, since the tabs aren't really closed, they'd be just out of sight. But it's a start in that... - Source: Hacker News / over 3 years ago
Founder of Amna here. (https://getamna.com) Tabs + Tasks. Literally the product I've been working on for a while now. It's darn-tootin awesome Amna can manage all of your Chrome Windows [it's not an extension]. Instead of organizing tabs after you've done your messy work, you start with the task first. That way can "scope" a browser to a task, and toss it when you're done. I think my findings with users are... - Source: Hacker News / over 3 years ago
It’s possible. Vertical tabs, Chrome tab groups. Shameless plug, one way we solve the problem in Amna (https://getamna.com/) is by grouping tabs into tasks. I think the value of Mighty is performance. - Source: Hacker News / over 3 years ago
Hey HN! Founder of https://getamna.com (getamna.com). To build a productivity app today, we need integrations with a bunch of existing services. We did a bunch of work messing with these APIS, so we built a shared library that works over Google, Outlook, Microsoft-Todo, Github, and bunch more to put them as singular interfaces. We monetized it using Libmon. Basically a one-time token you can purchase that gives... - Source: Hacker News / almost 4 years ago
Congrats on the launch! +100 for keeping notes and tasks together. I think it's an under explored area. I really like the design, and how minimal you've kept it. I've been working in this space with Amna [https://getamna.com] and I know how hard it is to get the design right. It's soo easy to keep building UI for everything. One thing I found frustrating was closing out of the "console" when I was clicking out of... - Source: Hacker News / almost 4 years ago
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