Vetster is an innovative pet wellness platform that connects pet parents to a marketplace of licensed veterinarians for online voice, text and video enabled appointments.
I was noticing abnormal behaviour from my dog that persisted for several days. I decided I needed to speak to a Veterinary professional right away and came across Vetster's platform. The booking process was quick and easy and the Vet was super helpful. Avoiding a drive to the Vet and waiting in a crowded waiting room was extremely convenient, especially during Covid. I highly recommend Vetster to any pet parents.
Have you looked into something like Vetster? Use a flea collar when you get the pup, do the Vetster appointment to get the script for the flea and tick med, order the med, have it delivered. Not sure what your postal service conditions will be, but if they have general delivery, you could pick it up there, if that would be faster than your actual address. Source: almost 3 years ago
If for whatever reason you absolutely 100% cannot take the cat to see a veterinarian in person - which is 100% the only thing likely to help you find the actual answer - you might get lucky and find that a telemedicine consult with a very skilled veterinarian can at least help you narrow this down to the likeliest causes and maybe get you motivated to pack up and get into a veterinarian’s office. For example,... Source: almost 3 years ago
OP in case you’re curious, we used this service Source: over 3 years ago
I second the advice where people are saying contact a vet. There's things online like that offer 24/7 assistance and it might be a good economical way to get preliminary advice before spending money at a vet. Source: over 3 years ago
I see! That channel also has some other leopard gecko rehabilitation videos, hopefully they help! :D if you just need a vet consultation, you can maybe chat with one on something like or (connect with a vet). They can't examine the gecko in person, but at least they'll have knowledgeable answers and better than nothing :( I did a quick search and found this link:... Source: over 3 years ago
You could try an online vet. Since this isn't a drug people use to get high on I bet you could just tell them the problem and since the cat is 18 they would probably write you a script for it. Try Worse comes to worse, if they are dicks you could call your CC company and dispute the charge so you don't have to pay. Source: over 3 years ago
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