Software Alternatives, Accelerators & Startups

vBulletin Cloud

Easily launch a hosted forum site on vBulletin Cloud!

Best vBulletin Cloud Alternatives & Competitors in 2024

The best vBulletin Cloud alternatives based on verified products, community votes, reviews and other factors.
Filter: 2 Open-Source Alternatives. Latest update:

  1. is a customizable and easy-to-use Enterprise social community.

  2. Private, secure online communities that stimulate conversation and ignite engagement.

  3. Verify your customers in under 15 seconds anywhere in the world with a cutting-edge SaaS & API platform for Identity Verification and AML/KYC compliance.

    Try for free freemium $0.1 (per credit)

    Try for free
  4. Influitive helps companies increase customer lifetime value and accelerate sales with the power of their own customer advocates. Inspire your customers to stay longer, share their experiences, and attract new business.

  5. Build an engaging community forum using Vanilla's modern cloud forum software.

  6. Discourse is an open source discussion platform built for the next decade of the Internet.

    Open Source paid Free Trial $100.0 / Monthly

  7. Hivebrite is an all-in-one community management platform.

  8. Client satisfaction solution

  9. ProBoards is a host of free forums with customer service.

  10. Ning is the social platform for the worlds interests and passions online.

  11. Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi is a cheap, credit-card sized computer. The official website uses phpBB for their discussion forums. phpBB is not affiliated with nor responsible for any of the sites listed on the showcase.

    Open Source

  12. Visual boards for organizing anything.


  13. WildApricot is a powerful cloud software to help you automate and simplify membership tasks.

    freemium $48.0 / Monthly (100 contacts)

  14. The easiest platform to create your own discussion community.

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