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systemd-boot (Gummiboot) Reviews and details

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We have tracked the following product recommendations or mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you see what people think about systemd-boot (Gummiboot) and what they use it for.
  • What is the shortest and the most user-friendly way to install fedora with sway along with systemd-boot?
    That being said, if you follow the instructions on the Arch wiki, you can probably install/enable systemd-boot then delete grub when you're done. I've switched a system from grub to systemd-boot and I remember it being pretty easy using the bootctl command. Source: 10 months ago
  • I've been stupid (fs conversion)
    In my case I'm using systemd-boot with unified kernel images that you can generate with dracut (there is a link in there). Source: over 1 year ago
  • Is it possible to build nvidia drivers into the kernel now?
    I don't think there's anyway around using a bootloader. There are more minimalistic options compared to grub (grub2), like systemd-boot Source: over 1 year ago
  • dual booting menu with systemd
    Arch wiki page on just systemd specifically. Source: over 1 year ago
  • I replaced grub with systemd-boot
    For the lazy, here's a couple of links. - Source: Hacker News / over 1 year ago
  • Dual-boot (Arch + Ubuntu): systemd-boot entry missing
    I've already read the wiki on systemd-boot, but I'm still not sure on how to proceed to add the Ubuntu entry. Should I create a /boot/loader/entries/ubuntu.conf? If so, how can I handle the fact that Ubuntu is placed on the same partition (e.g. The root option in the .conf)? Source: over 1 year ago
  • Are there any downsides to dual booting windows and arch from grub?
    Apart from that, I wouldn't use Grub nowadays unless you need certain features that other bootloaders don't offer. For users using a system with UEFI, I would recommend systemd-boot or rEFInd. Because their configuration files are much simpler and more clearly understandable than those of Grub. Source: over 1 year ago
  • Is it possible to use arch without a bootloader that requires intervention?
    Systemd-boot (already bundled in Arch) is very simple to set and forget. Just install it with bootctl install, make a 4 lines config file in your EFI partition and you're done. No need to type complicated commands or call some external scripts to generate a config file. Source: almost 2 years ago
  • How to actually dual boot NixOS?
    Ctrl+F this Article for Windows: Source: almost 2 years ago
  • How do I mount /dev/sdb2 autonatically to /new_root ?
    You installed systems-boot loader probably using the archinstall script I did the same it has a bug …. Not installed correctly that may help or look at the bottom of this section for instructions You can use the install media you originally used and Mount your partitions under /mnt /mnt/boot and ... Source: about 2 years ago
  • Issues dual booting
    Is it absolutely necessary that you use GRUB? You could try using systemd-boot as your bootloader instead. Source: about 2 years ago
  • I can't install blackarch Full ISO on my laptop
    Boot into the ISO, enter chroot environment and setup systemd-boot. Source: about 2 years ago
  • Grub alternatives
    Systemd-boot or rEFInd if it is a machine booting in EFI mode. Or syslinux if it is a computer that only has an old BIOS. The advantage of all three alternatives is that their configuration files are much simpler than those of Grub. I wouldn't use Grub voluntarily. Source: about 2 years ago
  • Broken kernel, file vm-linuz/linux-zen does not exist
    Quit using grub legacy if you have one. Use systemd-boot (pure uefi). Https:// Source: over 2 years ago
  • I'm trying to install Grub bootloader and I don't know how to fix it. Before It wasn't compatable with btrfs so I changed it to ext4 witch was a real kick in the balls and now I'm not shure how to fix this
    If you're just booting linux kernels and maybe windows, systemd-boot is much easier to configure and maintain: Source: over 2 years ago
  • add windows to linux boot manager
    There's an in-depth article on systemd-boot on the arch wiki here: The Arch, Debian, and RHEL wikis are goldmines for information even if you run neither of the distributions. Source: over 2 years ago
  • I just want to be pure
    Yea but my laptop ran very well on mint too, its most probably just bloat. If you don't use multiple DE/WMs then try removing your login manager and use startx. Its really easy. Also try replacing GRUB with systemd-boot Https:// Source: over 2 years ago
  • Grub rescue question
    Or simply, I'd suggest to use systemd-boot as bootloader because mostly it's all built-in into the system, and it's pretty easy to configure. But almost all distros install GRUB by default. So, you need to configure it manually after installing the distro. Source: over 2 years ago
  • Why boot into snapshot?
    "systemd-boot" just boots the default subvolume so no setup needed. Source: almost 3 years ago
  • Is it safe to use LILO?
    I remember people complaining about how bloated GRUB was during the transition away from LILO -- and they had some really good points -- but GRUB works pretty darn well these days. That said: if you need a slimmer boot loader, try one that's forward-looking, such as systemd-boot or rEFInd. Source: almost 3 years ago
  • having lots of issues installing arch, please help
    Here is a nice tool in these situations. I found systemd-boot to be better than GRUB (it's way faster), however you don't get to use fancy themes with it. Source: almost 3 years ago

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