Pleexy is a productivity tool that lets you manage all your tasks & to-dos from different apps in a centralized space, helping you reduce clutter, save time and focus on what’s most important.
Pleexy brings all of your tasks from your email, note-taking, project tracking, and collaboration apps into your task manager. Forget about manually designing multiple workflows using dozens of recipes. Once you connect it with your favorite tools, Pleexy automatically keeps your tasks synced so you don't have to waste time switching back and forth between apps.
Pleexy list of available integrations: Evernote, OneNote, Outlook, Asana, Basecamp, ClickUp, Trello, Zendesk, Jira, Monday
Pleexy syncs all of your tasks from these various tools to your task manager, either Todoist or Microsoft To Do.
Task Manager
2 way sync between Microsoft To Do or Todoist and your productivity apps
GTD Approach
Dashboard + history of your tasks
Multiple productivity apps to connect
14-Day Free Trial
I use Pleexy ( and love it. When you flag an email in outlook it will create a task in todoist. It will also mark task complete in todoist if you mark the flag complete in outlook and Vice versus. Source: almost 3 years ago
Try pleexy ( The integration with Todoist is based on flagging an email in outlook. Source: almost 3 years ago
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