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Origami Simulator

Simulate how any origami crease pattern will fold.

Origami Simulator

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Social recommendations and mentions

We have tracked the following product recommendations or mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you see what people think about Origami Simulator and what they use it for.
  • integration with origami simulator
    Htis it possible to export/integrate pepakura models to origami simulator( Source: almost 2 years ago
  • somebody know how create archives .dxf in autocad for FreeFormOrigami?
    It's better to use more modern tools. I personally use this Origami Simulator from the MIT. You just need to draw your design in Illustrator or any vector software, export it as svg, and upload it to the simulator. It has lots of control and even strain visualisation. Source: almost 2 years ago
  • Unfolder for Mac – a 3D modelcreating papercraft
    It's kludgy, but you can approximate this with Fusion360's sheet metal tools. If your flat-pack is well structured, you can just throw it at Origami Simulator and export an OBJ or STL: Unsurprisingly, Amanda Ghassei is behind both Fantastic Fold and Origami Simulator: - Source: Hacker News / almost 2 years ago
  • Origami game
    I bet you will find very disappointing, but it is awfully useful for trying out new computationally designed patterns. Source: about 2 years ago
  • Used to make these bags manually. Got Burnt out =) Now I’m trying to 3d print them!
    You’re right, It's mostly about the material. There are several patterns that can do the trick. There has been a great website recently that catalogs all of them. With interactive demos too. Source: over 2 years ago
  • Paper Airplane Designs
    It might be fun to implement these in something like this origami simulator: ; that seems to have a bit of trouble with order-of-operation steps, but I think would still be interesting. - Source: Hacker News / over 2 years ago
  • An Origami Samurai Made from a Single Sheet of Rice Paper
    You have this nice simulator that he actually contributed to that shows this connection between meshes and folded origami! - Source: Hacker News / about 3 years ago

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