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Fast, light, simple Docker & Linux on macOS.

OrbStack Reviews and details

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Features & Specs

  1. Performance

    OrbStack is optimized for high performance, providing faster boot times and efficient resource usage compared to other virtualization platforms.

  2. User Interface

    The platform offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface that simplifies management and set up of virtual machines and containers.

  3. Integration

    OrbStack integrates well with various development tools and environments, enhancing workflow efficiency for developers.

  4. Cross-Platform Support

    It supports multiple platforms, making it versatile and accessible for users across different operating systems.

  5. Security

    The platform is designed with robust security features to protect virtualized environments and ensure data integrity.


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OrbStack: A Lightweight Alternative for Docker

Practices for Docker on Mac Mini M2 Pro with OrbStack #mac #orbstack #docker #container

Social recommendations and mentions

We have tracked the following product recommendations or mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you see what people think about OrbStack and what they use it for.
  • Build a data-intensive Next.js app with Tinybird and Cursor
    This is a Docker image, so you just need a Docker runtime on your machine (if you're using MacOS, I recommend OrbStack). - Source: / 2 days ago
  • Troubleshooting Docker Desktop: Tips and Alternatives for Developers
    OrbStack: Although it’s a paid tool, OrbStack promises faster, lighter, and simpler container and Linux management compared to Docker Desktop. - Source: / 25 days ago
  • Docker Desktop Broken on Mac OS Update for over a Week
    How can update like this even happen and I'm still waiting for the post mortem on this. [0] Quite frankly a very basic intern mistake but done by "seniors". In the mean time, I'm using Orbstack. [1] Much faster, lightweight and native. [0] - Source: Hacker News / about 1 month ago
  • Hosting HuggingFace Models with KoboldCpp and RunPod
    Simply run docker compose down or use GUIs such as Rancher Desktop, Docker Desktop, or OrbStack to shut down the containers. - Source: / 2 months ago
  • 5 Awesome Docker Tools To Make Your Life Easier
    Orbstack is a Docker desktop alternative that I've been using for a while now. In my opinion the main selling point is that it's a native app for macOS and doesn't rely on Docker Machine to create VMs, meaning that its a lot faster and less resource intensive. It is still very new, so there are some rough edges, but I think it's worth a shot. I think its only supported on macOS at the moment, so that might be a... - Source: / 3 months ago
  • Must-have apps and services in 2024
    OrbStack is a fast and free Docker Desktop replacement for personal use. It comes with a configured K8s cluster, which is useful for local testing. - Source: / 3 months ago
  • Docker Desktop Alternative
    I've really enjoyed using Orbstack: it also has support for Linux VMs and kubernetes (although I haven't tried that yet). - Source: Hacker News / 5 months ago
  • Docker Pro Subscription increases from $5 to $9
    It's worse than that if you're a business. If you simply want to use Docker Desktop on Mac, you're required to get Docker Team ($15/user/mo for <100 users) or Docker Business ($24/user/mo for 100+ users). Even if you want literally zero of the cloud features you're required to pay this amount. I highly recommend OrbStack ( instead. It's $8/user/mo for businesses and you get something that is... - Source: Hacker News / 5 months ago
  • story of upgrading rails 5.x to 7.x
    The app depends on several packages to run, so I need to install them locally too. I used a combination of brew and orbstack / docker for installing packages. Some dependencies for this project are redis, mongodb and memcache. - Source: / 6 months ago
  • Podman Desktop 1.11: Light mode and new Kubernetes features
    I don’t use it for anything more than spinning up dev DBs locally, but I know it supports Kubernetes in some form or another. [1] - Source: Hacker News / 8 months ago
  • Linux virtual machines, with a focus on running containers
    I recommend checking out OrbStack[0] for containers and VMs on MacOS. It’s really, really, really awesome and performant. And it seems to be a one-man show. Really impressive. Most I’ve shown it to have very quickly switched to it. (I’m completely unaffiliated, just a happy user) [0]: - Source: Hacker News / 9 months ago
  • Show HN: OpenOrb, a curated search engine for Atom and RSS feeds
    For a brief moment, I thought this was related to - Source: Hacker News / 10 months ago
  • Ask HN: Tips to get started on my own server
    If you use a Mac and just want to mess around with linux try something like Orbstack( to start up VMs and mess around. The benefit of this is you're going to break things a bunch as you get started. Going from there I'd start looking automating the deployment of the various components the 'old fashioned' way aka writing shell scripts/using SSH. Once you do that then go to using things like... - Source: Hacker News / 11 months ago
  • NoSQL Postgres: Add MongoDB compatibility to your Supabase projects with FerretDB
    FerretDB provides a Docker image allowing us to run it locally, for example via Orbstack, with a couple of simple commands. - Source: / 12 months ago
  • Ask HN: Who is hiring? (February 2024)
    OrbStack | Founding Engineer | US/Europe REMOTE | Full-time | OrbStack is making Docker containers & development environments delightful. Our app replaces Docker Desktop and makes containers faster, lighter, and easier to work with. It's the tool of choice for PlanetScale, Replicate, and other hot companies. Containers should be a joy to use, not something you have to put up with. Let's build... - Source: Hacker News / about 1 year ago
  • How Virtualisation came to Apple Silicon Macs
    Before you give up, give OrbStack a try: It’s significantly faster than Docker and some users in the Discord community have been able to use it to run hand-built Linux x86 VMs on Apple Silicon. It’s a paid product though, but you can download it for free and try it out before paying. - Source: Hacker News / about 1 year ago
  • Install Craft CMS v5 (alpha) with one command via DDEV
    If you haven't installed a Docker runtime, you might be happy with Orbstack. Other alternatives: DDEV docs: Docker installation. - Source: / about 1 year ago
  • Podman Desktop 1.6 released: Even more Kubernetes and Containers features
    OrbStack How does OrbStack compare? Anyone tried it yet? - Source: Hacker News / about 1 year ago
  • Podman Desktop v1.5 with Compose onboarding and enhanced Kubernetes pod data
    For MacOS I can really recommend It integrates very nicely, has very low CPU idle usage and also lets you quickly spawn VMs with bidirectional file sharing set up. Since I switched I haven't looked back. - Source: Hacker News / over 1 year ago
  • Spacedrive: Unify files from all your devices and clouds into one easy explorer
    OrbStack ( has a very similar logo. - Source: Hacker News / over 1 year ago
  • Ask HN: What's a new developer tool you recently started using?
    Recently came across Orb, it's a linux VM cum docker runtime. VM boots in seconds, access any folder on Mac as linux folder - Source: Hacker News / over 1 year ago

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