Notational-fzf-vim is similar to shell-velocity and also looks pretty good, but is now unmaintained and I do not have the knowledge to maintain it myself should something break. Has the same lack of automatic git syncing. Source: over 1 year ago
Hi , pls help I am trying to get to work. Source: almost 3 years ago
I'm still in love with alok/notational-fzf-vim. It gives a notational-velocity like interface via fzf. Source: over 3 years ago
I use nb for both bookmarks and notetaking. Nb downloads a shallow copy of the link and stores it along with the bookmark. All notes (and consequently bookmarks and their contents) are stored as plain-text markdown files - so there's no dependency on a proprietary format, and all the content becomes searchable. If you're a vim-user, you can also get the notational-fzf-vim plugin... - Source: Hacker News / over 3 years ago
Just adding another endorsement for 1Writer. I migrated from Simplenote to 1Writer and have found it to be a great no-nonsense app. I used to use NValt on macOS but now use Vim with Notational FZF. I just keep a directory of Markdown files in Dropbox for syncing. Not too fancy, but works well enough. Source: almost 4 years ago
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