Software Alternatives & Reviews
SaaSHub Weekly / April 25, 2024

SaaSHub Weekly
Apr 25

Featured and useful products

  1. 12 Foot Ladder

    Prepend to the URL of any paywalled page, and we'll try our best to remove the paywall and get you access to the article.

  2. GitHub Actions

    Automate your workflow from idea to production

  3. Doczilla

    Effortlessly create stunning PDFs and screenshots. Seamlessly store them in your own AWS or Google Cloud Storage bucket, putting the control and creativity right at your fingertips.

  4. Arc

    This new web browser is going to kill Chrome

  5. Jitter

    A simple animation tool on the web

  6. BoxyHQ

    B2B SaaS: Make your app enterprise-ready! Authentication - SAML/OIDC SSO, Directory Sync (SCIM 2.0), Audit Logs, Data Privacy Vault, and more!


    A speaker timer in the Cloud

  8. CodenQuest

    Master Coding Through Play, Everywhere!

  9. Apache Answer

    A Q&A platform software for teams at any scales. Whether it’s a community forum, help center, or knowledge management platform, you can always count on Answer.

  10. BeamJobs

    Lighting the way to your dream job

  11. Coinramp

    The Coinramp Card lets you ‍spend over 10+ cryptocurrencies like cash, online, in-stores and ATM withdrawals. Available in 100+ countries, no ID needed. Anonymous Crypto Cards

SaaSHub Experts

Top products of the week as selected by SaaSHub's experts community.

  1. Slack - A messaging app for teams who see through the Earth!
  2. Zendesk - Zendesk is a beautiful, lightweight help-desk solution.
  3. D3.js - D3.js is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. D3 helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG, and CSS.
  4. - provides schemas for structured data on the Internet, on web pages, in email messages, and beyond.
  5. OpenAlternative - Discover Open Source Alternatives to Popular Software

View all details here.

Mates, that's all for this week!
I hope it was useful.
- Stan

p.s. Should you have any questions, suggestions or feedback, please use the Feedback Button.