Software Alternatives & Reviews
SaaSHub Weekly / March 21, 2024

SaaSHub Weekly
Mar 21

Featured and useful products

  1. Postmark

    Postmark is the easiest and most reliable way to be sure your important transactional emails get to the inbox. Simply & reliably parse recieved email to JSON for your webapp.


    Turn Every Conversation into Business Results


    Daily AI sports picks generated by artificial intelligence. helps you analyze all NBA, NFL, MLB, UFC and soccer games. It has a massive database by having analyzed all the games in the past 3 years. Use AI to improve your sports bets.

  4. Peerlist

    Peerlist is a community-led professional network for people in tech with powerful work profiles at its core.

  5. ScraperBox

    Undetectable Web Scraping API

  6. Labellerr

    Labelling made easy-training data to build AI/ML models fast

  7. Postly AI

    Social Media Marketing Made Easy, Powered by AI

  8. Feedefy

    The smartest and easiest way to collect user feedback for your product. Up and running in 30 mins, highly effective, and super beautiful!


    Study English synonyms and antonyms to enrich your vocabulary

  10. Numeral

    Spend less than five minutes a month on sales tax for your ecommerce store.

  11. LaunchBrightly

    A reliable product screenshot automation platform for customer support teams. Eliminate the manual burden of updating the product screenshots in your help center.

  12. RealityMAX

    RealityMAX is the most powerful free 3D design collaboration platform, 100% online. Cooperate remotely with your colleagues on 3D projects and easily share your work with clients. Create Web3D and AR experiences in a snap, without a line of code.

SaaSHub Experts

Top products of the week as selected by SaaSHub's experts community.

  1. Discord - Step up your game with a modern voice & text chat app. Crystal clear voice, multiple server and channel support, mobile apps, and more.
  2. Laravel - A PHP Framework For Web Artisans
  3. - Online diagramming application
  4. Nest.js - A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, reliable and scalable server-side applications.
  5. Chrome DevTools - Get started with Google Chrome's built-in web developer tools.

View all details here.

Mates, that's all for this week!
I hope it was useful.
- Stan

p.s. Should you have any questions, suggestions or feedback, please use the Feedback Button.