Software Alternatives & Reviews
SaaSHub Weekly / January 11, 2024

SaaSHub Weekly
Jan 11

Featured and useful products

  1. TinyPNG

    Make your website faster and save bandwidth. TinyPNG optimizes your PNG images by 50-80% while preserving full transparency!

  2. ClickHelp

    Create, translate, and publish technical documentation easily in one portal, anywhere in the world!

  3. Usetiful

    Fight user churn with great user onboarding. Interactive product tours and smart tips significantly improve your user retention.

  4. jsDelivr

    A free, fast, and reliable Open Source CDN for npm and GitHub with the largest network and best performance from all OSS CDNs. Serving 100 billion requests per month.

  5. LogoAi

    Let Ai-powered logo maker design your logo, create matching business cards, and build your brand!

  6. Brainwave

    AI Agents on demand for Customer Service.


    Convert any speech to clear and structured text

  8. Iteration1

    Your Startup Success Route: User Testing with Iteration1

  9. BuildPass

    BuildPass - The construction platform to replace other apps, email and paperwork.

  10. Lingolette

    Fully AI-driven language teaching machine 🦾

  11. FocusBox

    FocusBox: Amplify Your Focus, Transform Your Productivity

  12. NeuronWriter

    NEURONwriter is an AI-powered tool for writing and optimizing content for SEO. With a user-friendly interface and advanced content editor, it is designed to help you quickly write and optimize high-quality SEO-friendly content.

SaaSHub Experts

Top products of the week as selected by SaaSHub's experts community.

  1. SaaSHub - Find and promote software that will help you grow your business or to be more productive.
  2. Google Translate - Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.
  3. Git - Git is a free and open source version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. It is easy to learn and lightweight with lighting fast performance that outclasses competitors.
  4. Hacker News - Hacker News is a social news website focusing on computer science and entrepreneurship. It is run by Paul Graham's investment fund and startup incubator, Y Combinator.
  5. Google Cloud Storage - Google Cloud Storage offers developers and IT organizations durable and highly available object storage.

View all details here.

Mates, that's all for this week!
I hope it was useful.
- Stan

p.s. Should you have any questions, suggestions or feedback, please use the Feedback Button.