I have the XMRIG CA container installed for CPU mining. Both of the workers in my screenshot are actually the same one. I had the "Worker Name" parameter set to my email and my only worker was "Incorrect Worker Name" which errors out when trying to view it on nanopool.org. Source: over 2 years ago
After hunting down a particularly stubborn (miner I'm assuming given the nanopool.org part) virus with Autoruns and Process Explorer, I found this command line being run automatically and was wondering if someone could break down what this process is doing. It runs as a "conhost.exe" process in the background that hides if I open up a task manager. I study CS, but I'm not confident enough w/ security and networks... Source: almost 3 years ago
Don't use minexmr.com because too much of the network hashrate is surrounding that pool. Instead, use other pools like nanopool.org, or a switching algo pool like moneroocean.stream. Source: almost 3 years ago
Prove to me minexmr.com, nanopool.org, supportxmr.com are NOT controlled by the same person. Source: almost 3 years ago
I’m just mining a bit with my computer and reaching. 0.2 ETH is farfetched. So I want to change the payout settings to 0.05 ETH. For that I added a line to `config.ini with email=xxx. However when I try to change the payout settings on nanopool.org It still shows me ”Incorrect Password”. I double checked that I just have one worker and this worker has more than 80 Rating. Source: about 3 years ago
* fixed disconnect problem at nanopool.org and crazypool;. Source: about 3 years ago
If you can't figure that out I'm using Nanominer into the pool at https://nanopool.org/. Source: over 3 years ago
Generally you will mine in a pool (like nanopool: https://nanopool.org/) which will distribute rewards to people who mined together. With the software you use, you will designate an address to which those rewards will be sent. You probably won't want to mine solo to start since you'll be competing with other miners (and mining pools), so your chances of receiving block rewards can diminish. Source: over 3 years ago
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