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ML Kit (by Google)

Machine learning for mobile developers.

ML Kit (by Google) Reviews and details

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Social recommendations and mentions

We have tracked the following product recommendations or mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you see what people think about ML Kit (by Google) and what they use it for.
  • A journey to Flutter liveness (pt1)
    I was trying to decide on some Flutter side project to exercise some organizations and concepts from the framework and since AI is at hype I did some research and found out about Google Machine Learning kit which is a set of machine learning tools for different tasks such as face detection, text recognition, document digitalization, among other features (you should really check the link above). They're kinda plug... - Source: / 8 months ago
  • How to build an Ionic Barcode Scanner with Capacitor
    The biggest difference between the two plugins is the SDK used to recognise the barcodes. The Capacitor Community Barcode Scanner plugin currently uses the ZXing decoder and the Capacitor ML Kit Barcode Scanning plugin uses the ML Kit from Google. Source: almost 2 years ago
  • Has anyone tried reverse engineering Google Tensor's AI-specific instruction set?
    Assuming you're talking about leveraging the device's the device's Tensor Processing unit for machine learning then there then you're in luck because Google designed the TPU to work extremely well with the machine learning solutions developed by Google such as easy to use SDKs, robust runtimes and APIs ( e.g. - which you probably aren't going to need to touch). If you're a researcher there's plenty of lower level... Source: almost 2 years ago
  • Best language for camera-text recognition app and scanning webpage for texts
    Google's ML Kit Source: over 2 years ago
  • I'm using Google's ML Kit for face detection and object tracking on my hexapod robot! Check it out.
    Thanks. The name of the ML package is "ML Kit". This one: Source: over 2 years ago
  • Is anything actually using the ML processors in the new SoCs?
    Mind you, this is still just subset of ML that I implemented. We still do not know the magical dust some manufacturers are doing with ML like capturing multiple pictures and recomposing into singular image, voice recognition, etc etc. MLKit itself is covers a large area of features and still growing. You don't want it performance to be capped to CPU which might be already doing other power-limited task for example. Source: almost 3 years ago
  • Any ideas on how to use Google's ML Kit with Vuforia?
    I see ML Kit from google has a good potential when it comes to vision api's. Source: about 3 years ago
  • ML Kit in React Native (Part 1)
    Machine learning isn't a science problem anymore. It's a common part of mobile apps nowadays. I found Google ML Kit is a quite interesting solution and decided to cover how we can use it in React Native. Since there is no dedicated library we will use native modules to wire up the JavaScript side with iOS and Android SDKs. - Source: / over 3 years ago
  • Google ML Kit official Flutter plugin
    Any idea when the Google ML Kit ( plugin will be available for flutter? I know there are awesome community packages, but the official one would be the most interesting to use. Source: over 3 years ago

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