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Maputnik is an open source visual editor for the Mapbox Style Specification.

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Social recommendations and mentions

We have tracked the following product recommendations or mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you see what people think about Maputnik and what they use it for.
  • Adventures in mapmaking: the search for grayscale tiles
    Love this, the pure CSS option is really elegant Another option would be self hosting vector tiles(or finding the most generous free tier vector tiles) and using a custom grey scale styling that you could tweak to your needs. Maputnik is a great tool for building custom vector stylesheets. (1) 1. - Source: Hacker News / 7 months ago
  • Downloading Entire Map and Splitting Into 1KM x 1KM PNGs
    The check out Maputnik to create the map style. Start from one of the existing styles and remove everything you don't need. Of course you can also change the colors. Source: over 1 year ago
  • Any way to color in individual features on a map ?
    You can use MapBox stylesheets to design vector map features based on their attributes. Check out maputnik for a graphical stylesheet editor. Source: almost 2 years ago
  • Can I create custom basemap tiles using QGIS?
    I recommend using Maputnik (, which you can even run with a Docker and doesn't need any setup. It's pretty intuitive and straighforward, and after editing the style you can download it and serve it the way you prefer. Source: over 2 years ago
  • Open Maps SDKs for web and mobile: community driven Mapbox GL fork
    Https:// is similar to Mapbox Studio, but isn't going to give you all you mentioned. All vector tile sources use tags in various ways, so Maputnik (and the resulting styles) do as well. There isn't a standard tagging schema (and all MVT sources tend to differ slightly), but OSM's tagging is often influential on the resulting schema. - Source: Hacker News / over 3 years ago

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