What device are you playing on? If it's a computer (or I think android phone too?) and its bedrock edition, you can go to edit the world (the pencil or something button, next to the world name in the selection menu) and then scroll down in the "Game" submenu to find the "Export World" button. This will allow you to save the game world somewhere in a .mcworld and you can share the file through google drive, mega or... Source: about 1 year ago
Can you share any of the failed videos somehow? Via https://filebin.net/ for example. Mainly to help to reproduce the issue and fix it faster. Source: about 1 year ago
Hey there - do you mind sharing the video you're trying to upload? You can use a file sharing service like https://filebin.net/ and send the link for us to investigate what might be going on. Source: over 1 year ago
Hey u/catsnob - I have been looking into this and still haven't been able to reproduce the issue. It doesn't seem to be browser specific. Do you mind sharing the video file you're trying to upload? You can use https://filebin.net/. Thanks! Source: over 1 year ago
Sorry for a Late reply. https://filebin.net/ is one way to share. Source: over 1 year ago
You could also use something like Filebin. Be sure to include all your active save files. Source: over 1 year ago
It might be helpful if you could share the blend file. filebin.net looks like a decent way to do so. Source: over 1 year ago
Hey so I've been sharing a lot of files recently and not all of my contacts can use tools like ftp or sftp to pull files directly. I was wondering what some good file sharing sites would be? Some examples of ones that I've been looking at are filebin, bashupload, and wormhole. Source: over 1 year ago
You can share it with: https://filebin.net/. Source: over 1 year ago
/u/LotsoflovefromJulia - would you mind sharing the video you are trying to upload? I'd like to repro and address this issue with your help. You can use https://filebin.net/ or any other platform for that. Source: over 1 year ago
Thanks for your report. Mind sharing the file? Via https://filebin.net , for example? We’ll take a look at it right away. Source: over 1 year ago
Alternatively, you could just try filebin.net. Source: almost 2 years ago
I’ve been told Filebin works well and has no limit. Source: about 2 years ago
If you don't mind, could you upload it here and share the link? :). Source: over 2 years ago
Could you post your file with something like https://filebin.net/? Source: over 2 years ago
>but surprisingly there doesn't seem to be an easy, imgur-esqe site to share videos?? I thought you could upload videos to imgur? Anyhow: Quick and easy: . - Source: Hacker News / almost 3 years ago
u/AnAspiringAdult Can you provide us with a replay file? If you do not know how, here is a guide on where to find said replay file and you can upload it here. Source: about 3 years ago
Freezer downloads 128. Upload resulting file to filebin.net. Lets see if Deemix downloads the 320. Source: about 3 years ago
Upload the file to https://filebin.net/. Source: about 3 years ago
Navigate to this folder %LOCALAPPDATA%/RogueCompany/Saved/Logs/ and upload the file named RogueCompany.log to filebin.net. Source: about 3 years ago
Thank you for the link but it's not working unfortunately. Could you upload the pdf here if you have it downloaded? https://filebin.net/ Thanks. Source: about 3 years ago
Do you know an article comparing Filebin to other products?
Suggest a link to a post with product alternatives.
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