Eleventy is a fast and versatile static site generator (SSG). Out of the box, it is most likely to appeal to developers used to earlier Python- or Ruby-based web frameworks and SSGs (e.g. Django, Flask, or Jekyll). - Source: dev.to / 4 months ago
I wrote an online catalog a while back (and I need to get back on adding graphics and products at some point). It’s written using Eleventy and the minisearch library. The source and data are available on Github if you want to see how I did things. I’m not a professional web designer either, but it was a fun project. Source: 9 months ago
I moved from static HTML to 11ty (https://11ty.dev) for the same reason and I'm pretty happy with how simple it allows you to keep things. Plus, it helps me avoid yak shaving instead of writing content! I think for a site like this I'd go with 11ty, just a clean project without a template or custom config, one collection to pull the photos from Flickr inline the styles. (just sharing my personal approach, nothing... - Source: Hacker News / about 1 year ago
Eleventy is great. It’s a static site generator written in JavaScript, for “Fast Builds and even Faster Web Sites.” It’s 10 to 20 times faster than the alternatives, like Gatsby or Next.js. You get all of your content statically rendered and ready to be CDN-delivered. You needn’t worry about server-side rendering to get those pretty social share unfurls. And, if you have a large data set, that’s great — Eleventy... - Source: dev.to / over 1 year ago
An Eleventy starter project using JavaScript templates — the vanilla JavaScript and Eleventy theme of your dreams. - Source: dev.to / over 1 year ago
As newer versions of Pagefind appear, its powers grow; and one of those enhancements has enabled me to make my site’s search results better — specifically, by cutting out stuff which really didn’t belong. I’ll give a couple of examples herein, explaining the respective procedures for my two favorite SSGs, Eleventy and Hugo. - Source: dev.to / almost 2 years ago
Thus, I can effortlessly, instantly switch my site between Eleventy and Hugo, or between Hugo and Astro, or between Astro and . . . well, you see.3. - Source: dev.to / almost 2 years ago
If you use the Eleventy static site generator (SSG) and Sass to build your website, read on for some cool stuff. - Source: dev.to / almost 2 years ago
In “Get good Git info from Hugo,” I explained how to use the Hugo static site generator (SSG)’s built-in Git info variables to display page-by-page Git commit data for one’s static website. Well, lo and behold, you can get that kind of information in the Eleventy SSG, too. You just need to add a little code, in the form of a shortcode that takes advantage of Eleventy-supplied data. - Source: dev.to / about 2 years ago
Every time I open the documentation website of Eleventy, I get this urge to cry, or change career! So I decided to create a small website, that has absolutely nothing, but the bare minimum, and keep it as reference, so next time I consider Eleventy, I don't have to go through their appreciated -yet crappy- get started! - Source: dev.to / about 2 years ago
So, I have tested Gridsome and 11ty.dev this time, and while Gridsome didn't work for me and felt half-baked with not very active community, and just looked like "gatsby poor mans copy for vue lovers" (sorry gridsome devs!), 11ty was a _very_ pleasant experience which was clearly superior to my old PHP setup in every way. It just worked flawlessly and while I am pretty new to static site generators, every part of... Source: about 2 years ago
Based on my tests, the move to MDX looks like a winner. In dev mode, edits to “watched” files show up virtually immediately (I’d say Astro's MDX DX, so to speak, is very similar to that of Eleventy’s with plain Markdown). This could simplify a move to Astro for some folks with big, Markdown-heavy sites, folks who simply couldn’t stomach the molasses-like DX that they’d encountered before Astro/MDX interactivity... - Source: dev.to / about 2 years ago
Use a static site generator (I recommend Eleventy) unless you have a dynamic site (one which serves pages differently for different users, although the lines are blurring now because of how much dynamic content can be injected even into static sites). It’s a much better experience for both your users and you. Source: about 2 years ago
By default, 11ty uses markdown-it library to parse markdown. But, it seems that by default, markdown-it doesn't support syntax for applying an id to a header element. - Source: dev.to / about 2 years ago
Don't know what eleventy is? Before you read further, check out this amazing series of articles by Tatiana Mac to know more about eleventy and static site generators in general. - Source: dev.to / over 2 years ago
I got the idea yesterday, when I saw a post from Aleksandr Hovhannisyan. In it, he gave a fine tutorial about displaying this data in pages built with the Eleventy SSG. Hovhannisyan’s method employed JavaScript to fetch the necessary Git data for use by his Eleventy templates. - Source: dev.to / over 2 years ago
As its GitHub home page explains, the purpose of Bookshop is to enable the building of components in the various templating languages used by SSGs. The result meshes seamlessly with CloudCannon. At launch, Bookshop supported the Ruby-based Jekyll and JavaScript-based Eleventy SSGs. It now also supports the Go-based Hugo, with support for more platforms in the works. - Source: dev.to / over 2 years ago
Remember that Astro is still in beta, although the Astro team announced earlier this month that they plan for version 1.0 to go to general availability in June. For each item, I’ll assess Astro’s associated compliance or performance vs. That of a few other platforms I’ve used: in alphabetical order, Eleventy, Gatsby, Hugo, and Next.js. - Source: dev.to / over 2 years ago
This is a follow-up to two earlier posts about doing this in the Eleventy and Hugo SSGs:. Source: over 2 years ago
If you’re using a pre-version-2.x version of the Eleventy SSG, its Browsersync dependency will, by default, display the correct IP address when you run Eleventy in dev mode. In Eleventy 2.x and above, its built-in dev server doesn’t do that by default but you can edit its settings in the .eleventy.js config file so that it will, by adding a line saying showAllHosts: true (the showAllHosts default setting is false). - Source: dev.to / over 2 years ago
I've used Eleventy to build web sites and a pseudo-wiki for documentation. Source: over 2 years ago
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