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dmenu is a dynamic menu for X, originally designed for dwm.

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dmenu: Your own Custom Script Menus!

j4-dmenu-desktop - Faster Keystroke Launcher - Linux DMENU i3

A Simple File Manager Using Dmenu

Social recommendations and mentions

We have tracked the following product recommendations or mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you see what people think about dmenu and what they use it for.
  • Bspwm + Sxhkd + Polybar
    For dmenu modifications go to and read about patching, or use some patched versions from github, like Luke Smiths Source: 9 months ago
  • Textual Web: TUIs for the Web
    Some features are nice to have. Give dmenu [0] a try, pipe it into other CLI utils and see how useful it can be to have drop-downs sometimes. [0] - Source: Hacker News / about 1 year ago
  • Kera Desktop: open-source, cross-platform, web-based desktop environment
    This is a wonderful project! I've been thinking a lot about making such a unified desktop stack for a while now; web technology has matured to the point where I think it's feasible to build a complete environment a la Smalltalk/Symbolics but with a modern feature set. Obviously this has deficiencies but like it or not the web _is_ computing for the vast majority of people and exploring/pushing its limits of user... - Source: Hacker News / over 1 year ago
  • Is there an xfce equivalent to KDE's quick launch?
    I love simplicity of dmenu and it's quite powerful with some scripts. Source: over 1 year ago
  • Request for a distro based on a list of programs for a Windows user
    Everything is a fast file search tool for windows. OP can use dmrun by suckless or plocate (cli) . I don't know if there is any comparable gui available. Source: over 1 year ago
  • Hex : An application launcher for linux, no need of mouse my friends, use vim like key bindings to navigate.
    Dude, there are plenty of tools that let you use applications without mouse or arrows keys. As an i3 user you shoul be aware of at least dmenu or Rofi. Even a plain old shell falls into that category. Especially with a fuzzy completer like fzf to minimize on pressing tab in your plain shell. Source: over 1 year ago
  • Turning Linux Into a Usable Lispy Machine?
    I was curious if anyone here had some software they could recommend? I am having a hard time finding an alternative for tmux, slock, dmenu, and st though I am researching. I am also researching archiving and compression libraries in 100% Common Lisp to replace tar and such. I am also reading over the source code for cl-git as I know I will not find a Lisp implementation that does not rely on C for git protocol :(. Source: almost 2 years ago
  • Open Application from title bar
    This is dmenu. Install it and bind to some keyboard shortcut. Source: about 2 years ago
  • auto turn on/off mods for diffrent worlds
    It requires dmenu as UI, you may find it there : Source: about 2 years ago
  • Why doesn't WezTerm get any attention? (compared to Kitty & Alacritty)
    Look at ZSH, NeoVim, Dmenu/Rofi, LF file manager, or nearly every WM; these (and many more) all come with pretty much no defaults and need heavy configuring to achieve their usability potential but they manage to be used and loved by many. Source: over 2 years ago
  • PowerToys – 11 features Microsoft won’t add to Windows
    GNU/Linux users may be interested in rofi [0] or the more spartan dmenu [1] [0] [1] - Source: Hacker News / over 2 years ago
  • TUIs
    > CLIs (that read input from stdin and spit out results to stdout/stderr) are useful in an automation/data processing pipeline. TUI's and GUI's can both be used in the middle of a pipe when things require some manual fiddling, Git commit would be an example of this, opening vim to edit the commit message. Here's an example ( - Source: Hacker News / over 2 years ago
  • Are there GTK or Qt dialogs equivalent to`fzf` for selecting paths or moving to directories?
    If I understand you correctly, you're looking for dmenu, or rofi. Source: over 2 years ago
  • dmenu tab selector on tabbed flickering
    Hi, I'm currently using tabbed to add tabbing functionality to st. In tabbed's config file there exists this keybind to fire up a dmenu instance within tabbed, which lists all current tabs inside it:. Source: almost 3 years ago
  • What tools / utilities have you written that you use regularly?
    a dumb utility that scripts xdotool. I position the mouse in location A, launch my script with dmenu, enter a number N, move my mouse to location B, and hit Enter. It then clicks on location A, moves to location B and clicks there, and does it N times. It saves me hours of tedious clicking across several applications. Source: almost 3 years ago
  • Command Palette Interfaces
    I love these interfaces and use them wherever I can. On MacOS I use Alfred for launching applications, killing processes, controlling music playback, searching the web and my filesystem, swapping file tabs, and tons more. Spotlight search, which is built in, is also very competent. For the command line I use fzf which can add fuzzy search for all sorts of things. Built in its ctrl+r functionality I find very... - Source: Hacker News / over 3 years ago
  • Command Palette Interfaces
    Http:// is the best implementation of this pattern. It’s sad how browser’s select element usually grinds to a halt with a dictionary of words whilst dmenu feels instant. - Source: Hacker News / over 3 years ago
  • ULPT REQUEST: a way to automatically log onto zoom meetings without actually attending.
    The requirements for this script are dmenu and the python wrapper for dmenu. Source: over 3 years ago
  • Linux Equivalent to Win+R (Windows Run)
    You're looking for dmenu or rofi, I think. You can run commands from both, if I'm not mistaken. Source: over 3 years ago
  • Last Pass' recent free tier change is causing me to switch to LockWise
    I don't use Windows other then in a VM, normally just use it directly with dmenu. But a quick search found these apps :). Source: over 3 years ago
  • How to do things safely in Bash
    Much like the `find | xargs` version you can begin with `zargs -- $glob` until your filter is correct and then tack the command on when you're ready. Hmm, now I really like the idea of an oil-y version of this where you could do something like `oargs { $clearer_glob_DSL } { $command_block }`. It might even be possible right now using stest from dmenu¹ as a stand-in for a more advanced globbing alternative. I... - Source: Hacker News / over 3 years ago

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