Software Alternatives, Accelerators & Startups

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Best Alternatives & Competitors alternatives based on verified products, community votes, reviews and similar products.

  1. Open graph generator and simulator. Test or generate open graph tags for any web page.


  2. A place for meaningful one-on-one conversations on the web.

  3. Software for managing online ordering, delivery and loyalty for multi-unit restaurants

    Try for free paid Free Trial $459.0 / Monthly (2500 monthly orders)

    Try for free
  4. The simplest way to create forms, for free.


  5. Meta Tag & Open Graph Tag Generator, Simulator, & Analyzer

  6. Want to talk to someone now?

  7. Create beautiful, next-generation online forms with Typeform, the form & survey builder that makes asking questions easy & human on any device. Try it FREE!

  8. Check how search engines and social medias such as Google, Facebook, Twitter display your website


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