BoomBang is an Adventure-based, MMO, Social-Networking and Fantasy-based video game that tasks place in the massive stunning island and allows the player to create his character with bundles of exciting things and get into the game world.
BoomBang Alternatives
BoomBang alternatives based on verified products, community votes, reviews and similar products.
Smeet is an Online Virtual World, Free-to-play, Browser based MMORPG and Social Interaction Simulation.
Hobbo is also known as ‘Hobbo Hotel’.
RealityMAX is the most powerful free 3D design collaboration platform, 100% online. Cooperate remotely with your colleagues on 3D projects and easily share your work with clients. Create Web3D and AR experiences in a snap, without a line of code.
Second Life is a virtual reality platform where individuals interact in a virtual world. The software was developed in 2003 by Linden Labs. More than one million people now regularly use the software.
IMVU is multiplayer online video game created by ‘IMVU Inc’.
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Piffsy is a social network platform that helps you meet new friends and stay connected with your family and with who you are interested anytime anywhere.