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Bliss OS Reviews and details

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Features & Specs

  1. Compatibility with Android Apps

    Bliss OS is designed to run Android apps on x86 devices, allowing users to enjoy the wealth of applications from the Google Play Store on their PCs and laptops.

  2. Customizability

    The operating system offers a range of customization options, enabling users to adjust the look and feel of the interface to suit their preferences.

  3. Open Source

    Bliss OS is an open-source project, which encourages community participation and allows users to modify the system according to their needs.

  4. Optimized Performance

    The system is designed for performance efficiency, offering features like battery optimization and compatibility with multiple devices, including older hardware.


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Install Android 10 Bliss OS in VirtualBox 2022

Social recommendations and mentions

We have tracked the following product recommendations or mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you see what people think about Bliss OS and what they use it for.
  • NexDock turns your smartphone into a Laptop
    Tangential: I followed the rabbit hole to Bliss OS, which I now want to try installing on one of my old laptops. - Source: Hacker News / 7 months ago
  • Android on Surface go 3 pentium gold 6500Y
    There are x86 ports available, mainly bliss os. Source: about 1 year ago
  • ARM Chromebox for running android apps?
    Then again, before trying that (virtualising Windows to virtualise Android), I'd try to run an Android x86 image virtualised directly in your Linux environment, such as BlissOS (also available with Play Store and GMS). That should take you no longer than 20 mins to discover if Hinge works fine on BlissOS 😉. Source: over 1 year ago
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab S8+?
    And if you don't want to deal with all of this then just check this out. Source: almost 2 years ago
  • Surface 3
    Build on says experimental. Ok for daily use? Source: almost 2 years ago
  • What is the best Android emulator to use as a testing environment for Android games?
    Besides WSA, you can also try Android-x86 or Bliss OS. Source: almost 2 years ago
  • Installed BlissOS on my surface pro 6 and had lots of Problems
    You can find links to Bliss discord server from the official website Source: about 2 years ago
  • What happened to Android x86?
    BlissOS looks more active with gapps and FOSS options Https:// Https:// Source: about 2 years ago
  • Does Anyone know how hard it is to create your own emulator for android.
    BlissOS is open source, you can install it on a virtual machine. If you're on Linux you can use Waydroid. You don't have to develop anything unless you really want to. Source: about 2 years ago
  • An android distro?
    Https:// (Android based, FOSS)(recommended). Source: almost 3 years ago
  • The Second Update is Here! All Fresh and New!
    I wonder if using something like Bliss OS would work? If I have time I'll try it out. Source: almost 3 years ago
  • windows performance issues prove the "Yes, its a Pc" crowd wrong
    It just turns out that the Deck is a PC without official long-term windows support, which is really rare nowadays. But eh, it runs Linux, it runs Windows, it can probably run android and MacOS. If that's not a PC, then I don't know what is 🤔. Source: almost 3 years ago
  • Google Release Chrome OS Flex
    I can see this being a good use case for some enterprises. For a more personal solution not using the latest and greatest from Google, I have been playing around with a FOSS implementation of Android for any PC/tablet called So far it works well on my hardware. - Source: Hacker News / almost 3 years ago
  • Could native Android support work merging Linux with BlissOS / some other Android running on amd64 Computers?
    There are Android Versions running on Desktops, like BlissOS, but are they just normal Android with an embedded Emulation for x64 PCs or are they actually manipulated so that they could run combined with Linux, without a Virtual Machine or second Partition? Source: about 3 years ago
  • If linux isnt pc, what is it then
    Bliss OS, FOSS or Android-x86, FOSS through kvm. Source: about 3 years ago
  • Are there any portable Android emulators or online emulator sites that don't have a limit on minutes or sessions?
    You can flash Bliss OS to a flash drive and boot your computer from there. You can also use Android x86 Project's original ISOs itself for that purpose, but Bliss OS is more designed for PC use. Source: about 3 years ago
  • Not well known distros.
    Bliss OS= Fork of AOSP, not 100% GNU/Linux but might become usable for weird conferencing softwares used in work, a FOSS alternative to Windows in some uses. Source: about 3 years ago
  • Wyze app on windows!
    For anyone else who desperately wants the Wyze app on something besides their fucking phone, I have had good luck with loading BlissOSonto a touch screen Lenovo tablet. Source: over 3 years ago
  • Android on Surface 4?
    I'd look into Bliss OS, there's even a Surface-specific build. See Source: over 3 years ago
  • Android Emulator
    GLTools is an app that lets you spoof gpu, cpu and also display FPS. Id suggest you to use old version of it. Bliss OS is on Source: over 3 years ago
  • I'm starting to think it might be worth it to buy an android just for swagbucks
    Don't use an emulator, to slow, try this , Doesn't work for some apps but a lot work(Numberzilla and others). Source: over 3 years ago

External sources with reviews and comparisons of Bliss OS

16 Best Android Emulators For PCs In 2023
Now, installing Bliss OS or any other Android x86-based projects is always better if you are looking for the exact Android experience on your PC. Not to mention the fact is Bliss OS is open source and doesn’t encompass ads or any Android emulator clutter.
11 Best Android OS for PC Computers (32,64 bit)
Bliss OS-x86 is an open source Android-based operating system for PC computers and tablets. Hardware wise, this Android OS flavor can be installed and run on any Windows/Linux PC, Chromebook, Macbook or Tablet released in the last 4 years (i.e 2016 and later).
Top 10 Best Android Emulator for Windows
Bliss OS is unique compared to another android emulator. Others emulate Android on Windows, but Bliss OS is an Android OS and needs to be installed separately for full functioning.

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