6x13 fixed
6x13 is the classic fixed monospace bitmap font that is expected to be available on every X server. It is part of the misc-fixed family. These fonts were handcrafted for readability in a terminal. .
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OSX, Typography, Fonts, Design, and powerline
Download and install the M+ 1m free font family by M+ Fonts as well as test-drive and see a complete character set.
OSX, Productivity, Design, Typography, powerline, and Fonts
Monofur Font | dafont.com
Google Noto Sans is the ultimate fonts family font that is now coming with additional 18 new fonts from the Japanese, Korean, and Traditional Chinese.
Custom version of the Source Code Pro type family by Nathan Rutzky.
Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Font | dafont.com
Use the SF Mono font in Atom by importing it from Terminal.app
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