Looking forward to reading your feedback! https://zenithcalendar.com/. Source: over 1 year ago
They are attacking a different issue, but also working in the same industry. Great example. Since you found cal.com interesting, take a look at https://zenithcalendar.com/. It is different and much more detailed when solving the synchronization across multiple calendars feature. Plus, there is a customizable scheduling tool, which is always a plus. Source: over 1 year ago
For Those Interested in taking a look at my product a little bit more, here is the link to Zenith Calendar: (https://zenithcalendar.com/). Source: over 1 year ago
I'm sharing the link for those interested in answering my question: https://zenithcalendar.com/. Source: almost 2 years ago
Take a look at Zenith Calendar, and decide for your self (https://zenithcalendar.com/). Source: almost 2 years ago
For those interested in taking a look at my development (https://zenithcalendar.com/). Source: almost 2 years ago
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This is an informative page about Zenith Calendar. You can review and discuss the product here. The primary details have not been verified within the last quarter, and they might be outdated. If you think we are missing something, please use the means on this page to comment or suggest changes. All reviews and comments are highly encouranged and appreciated as they help everyone in the community to make an informed choice. Please always be kind and objective when evaluating a product and sharing your opinion.