I love this post. I also LOVE wikis. I have railed against Fandom for years. It's an absolute blight on so many beloved games at this point. I like this approach much more than the games that have decided to move to another managed/hosted service like https://wiki.gg Truly independent wikis are the best. - Source: Hacker News / 3 months ago
Hi there, please don't use Fandom article anymore, the entire wiki has been abandoned. The wiki team has moved to wiki.gg, please use it if possible: https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Battlegrounds/Ripsnarl_Captain. This is necessary to bring the new wiki contents closer to the top of search results. Thank you for understanding. Source: about 1 year ago
i've searched up multiple items and for all of them the recipes just doent show up, I am using the wiki.gg wiki. Source: about 1 year ago
Hi there, I see that you are still using contexts from Fandom wiki, which is now abandoned. FYI, the admin team from Fandom has been moved to wiki.gg, please use it if possible: https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Battlegrounds/Double_Header. Source: about 1 year ago
My brother has taught me the ways of not using the shitty fandom wiki for anything I can use wiki.gg on. Source: about 1 year ago
Many wikis are already trying to switch to wiki.gg due to how absolutely crap fandom is with their ads. Source: about 1 year ago
There's a discord server dedicated to moving it to wiki.gg. It not only because fandom is bad, but because the content on the fandom wiki is nearly irredeemably garbage. Source: about 1 year ago
Now lot's of other fandoms move to wiki.gg and I think we should do that too. Source: about 1 year ago
It's time to say goodbye to Fandom - we have been moved to the wiki.gg family. Source: over 1 year ago
UPDATE: It's decided, the Arknights Wiki will be moved to the wiki.gg platform. As soon as we got the greenlight to migrate the wiki, it will be carried out ASAP. Source: over 1 year ago
Why not use wiki.gg? It's a pretty neutral wiki site that lots of indie games already use. Source: over 1 year ago
After a few hours of discussion in the AK Wiki's Discord server, the active users and editors there (as well as many Redditors in this very Reddit) are unanimously in favor of moving the wiki's platform to wiki.gg, which is decided upon after many editors suggested it. Source: over 1 year ago
The game literally says when you open a calamity work that wiki.gg is the official wiki. Source: over 1 year ago
I'm not sure how much they automate the forking, but a number of these already exist and were contendors for recieving the Minecraft wiki. https://wiki.gg is probably the biggest, but there's also https://abxy.org and https://weirdgloop.org/, who is now hosting the minecraft wiki. - Source: Hacker News / over 1 year ago
I am a bit miffed right now. To whoever did the edits to add in these stuff, don't you see how misleading and confusing it could be for a new player? We know the proper place for information on the game is the official wiki at wiki.gg, but Google doesn't agree. If a greenbeard googles "drg experimental plasma charger" the fandom wiki page is the first one listed, and the greenbeard would be looking at these kind... Source: over 1 year ago
Do you know an article comparing wiki.gg to other products?
Suggest a link to a post with product alternatives.
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