V-Nut offers graphical food nutrition information with unique features and focused on vegetarians and vegans Check more or less scientifically if you're doing it healthy. Analyse food or whole recipes. Give the total nutritional value for a recipe! Search operators Combined sorting Sorting by nutrition value per calorie Immediately comparing search results by relative bar representation A lot of info directly without information overload. (By using hovers and accordions. Not for smartphones (yet)) A unique graphical presentation Focus on some important nutrients for veg*ns Filtering of concentrates Vegetarian food only (and some vegan filtering, though it needs some work) Marked nutrients that "may" be rarer for vegans A more real food pyramid in your personal requirements find some super foods
Give the total nutritional value for a recipe!
search operators
Combined sorting
Various filters (Super foods, no concentrates, categories, ..)
Immediat comparing search results by relative bar representation
inobtrusive featureful design
Unique graphical presentation
Marked vegans focused nutrients
Marked "rarer" vegan nutrients
Personal food pyramid
Automatic image guessing from wikimedia with crowd voted corrections
The features say it all.
The features say it all.
the site was originally made as a tool for vegans and vegetarians to be used as scientific defense against people that undermine the health benefits of a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle. Not only are there so many people, even professional dietists that are so badly informed about it, not even do many of them have a big bias, it's also amazing how few vegans or vegetarians get or even know where to get scientific nutritional info. Even in the media, TV-shows (cooking show e.g.), debates, etc.., vegans and vegetarians let themselves be talked down by very bad informed so called professionals! OF course, it's always the vegan that needs to bring numbers and datasheet, the others are guilt-free. And sometimes the latter do bring data, but data that is just wrong and with this site the former can prove that. We hope that anyone going to any of these events or anyone wanting to show their peers the scientific proof of adequate nutritional availability in a vegan ot vegetarian lifestyle, use this site before and stand on firm ground!
Vegans and vegetarians interested in food, recipes and their nutritional content. This includes scientists, dietists, chefs and amateurs
php, mysal, javasctipt, web
Only free users. No payment
Description: I am the creator of this vegan focused nutritional info site: http://v-nut.e-motiv.net. It's very unique and one can't find anything like this anywhere, at least not with all its features. Source: over 1 year ago
I have just updated my scientific but graphical, vegan focused, nutritional website. Source: over 2 years ago
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