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Unshorten.It! Reviews and details

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Features & Specs

  1. Privacy Enhancement

    Unshorten.It! allows users to preview the full URL of a shortened link before clicking, providing insights into the destination and enhancing user privacy and security by reducing the likelihood of phishing or malicious redirects.

  2. Free Service

    The service is available for free, allowing anyone to unshorten links without any cost, making it accessible to a wide range of users without financial barriers.

  3. Detailed Link Information

    Unshorten.It! provides additional details about the destination URL, such as site description and safety ratings, helping users make informed decisions about whether to proceed to the link.

  4. User-Friendly Interface

    The website is straightforward and easy to use, designed to accommodate users with varying levels of technical expertise, and efficiently provides results quickly.


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Social recommendations and mentions

We have tracked the following product recommendations or mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you see what people think about Unshorten.It! and what they use it for.
  • Deployments stopped working - errors out to LTIApply DISM error
    Just copy and paste it into a new tab or use a service like if you're weary. Source: almost 2 years ago
  • Clearly a scam, but what kind of scam? Phishing? Similar ad pops up every couple of hours.
    You can find out what the link points to with Source: almost 2 years ago
  • Spam text from official MyGov account? Seem very sketchy but from the official SMS channel!
    I put the URL into a checker which shows the actual destination ( Source: about 2 years ago
  • Need help with my thesis on the interaction effect between sexual orientation and preferred sexual traits on straight and gay people in partner selection (Ages 18-65)
    These google shortened links often don't redirect properly. I have to plug them all into to get to the survey. Source: about 2 years ago
  • My girlfriend got scammed
    A tip on how to know if a website is legit is when they have links of their official social media accounts, contact us, terms and conditions on the most bottom parts of their webpage. Also, before clicking on any link, go to to see if said link is safe because hackers are on prowl right now where they could steal of most of your information and always double check on the website. Source: about 2 years ago
  • I goof’d, submitted a phishing form. How screwed am I?
    Https:// - If you get a shortened URL, you can submit it here, and it will give you the full URL, which you can submit on reputation checking platforms (e.G. VirusTotal). Source: over 2 years ago
  • I made this: FOSS Privacy Respecting Encrypted Link Shortener with Password Protection and Magnet Links Support
    Https:// works on these, but I was thinking a way to do that in the interface of the app. Source: over 2 years ago
  • Scam Alert: Spoofing "Aus Post" Phone Number [NP]
    If it's one of those shortened links, you can also unshorten it safely to see where it actually leads to without actually going to that link yourself. Source: almost 3 years ago
  • News: "Dr. Dre Thought GTA Was ‘For Kids’ Until DJ Pooh Gave Him A Personal Demo"
    First thing I did was drop it into and seeing how it redirected to another shitty link shortener, big nope. Source: almost 3 years ago
  • [US, WW] [H] Binder, Slabs, SM12a, $1 Binder, DSi + Soul Silver + Diamond [W] Noble Victories, Japanese Lv. X, Wantlist, Paypal
    I see that you made another comment, I am assuming you used google photos, this will unshorten the link for you. Source: almost 3 years ago
  • Deltakelse i et fargepersepsjonseksperiment! looks unsafe? is a QR code generator. Use to decode the url. Where does it go? What's that? "Free Online Appointment Scheduling Software". Source: almost 3 years ago
  • Subreddit LFG tool leading to malicious websites?
    In case you don't see my other comment; you can unshorten urls here Source: about 3 years ago
  • Subreddit LFG tool leading to malicious websites?
    You can use this to check what the actual link is. The proper url doesn't look that shady, but further research (I entered the name to google) it seems the last time the people behind said website posted on social media was back in 2016 so it is possible that the url has been taken over / hacked since then. Source: about 3 years ago

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