Software Alternatives, Accelerators & Startups
Tathagata Samajdar avatar

Tathagata Samajdar

Tathagata Samajdar is working as an SEO Analyst at GreedyGame Media Pvt. Ltd.

Product on focus

  • PubScale offers invaluable game monetization and marketing solutions, such as offerwall ads and native advertising, for game developers. It's a one-stop platform for maximizing revenue and user engagement in the gaming industry.


  1. PubScale offers invaluable game monetization and marketing solutions, such as offerwall ads and native advertising, for game developers. It's a one-stop platform for maximizing revenue and user engagement in the gaming industry.

    bookmark paid

  2. GreedyGame helps monetize apps efficiently with AdX. It is the ideal AdMob or AdSense alternative to implementing better monetization strategies and data analysis. It helps publishers connect with premium demand partners improve fill rates and eCPMs.

    bookmark paid
