TunePat Any Audiobook Converter is a perfect tool to convert audiobooks. It helps you download Audible audiobooks to your computer as M4A/M4B/MP3 files with up to 300x converison speed, so that you can keep them forever or transfer the audiobooks to other devices for offline listening. With it, you can enjoy your audiobooks more freely. If you’d like to get lossless output files, please select “Original” as the output format.
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Have been looking for a tool that can download and convert Audible audiobooks. TunePat helps me a lot. With it, I can now sync all my Audible audiobooks to my MP3 player for listening. It saves me a lot of time and the download quality is very good.
Love your new feature to download and convert Audible Plus audiobooks. This really helps me a lot. Now can sync all the Audible audiobooks to an MP3 player for offline listening. Really cool.
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