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Keep track of achievements for Steam & PC games.

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Features & Specs

  1. Comprehensive Achievement Tracking

    TrueSteamAchievements offers detailed tracking of achievements for a vast range of Steam games, helping users keep a complete record of their gaming milestones.

  2. Community Interaction

    The platform fosters an active community where gamers can discuss strategies, share tips, and boast about their achievements, enhancing the social aspect of gaming.

  3. Personalized Statistics

    Users can view personalized statistics and breakdowns of their achievement progress, providing insights into their gaming habits and overall performance.

  4. Guides and Tips

    Users can access community-contributed guides and tips to help with difficult achievements, making the platform a resourceful tool for gamers looking to complete challenging tasks.

  5. Event Participation

    TrueSteamAchievements regularly hosts community events and challenges that encourage participation and competition, adding an extra layer of engagement for users.


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Social recommendations and mentions

We have tracked the following product recommendations or mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you see what people think about TrueSteamAchievements and what they use it for.
  • Is there a way to check your steam library for easiest achievements to get?
    TrueSteamAchievements has this (in Easy Achievements). Source: about 1 year ago
  • Achievements are borked
    It does happen perfected games get new achievements added. Maybe that's what happened to your missing game? It's a real drag to make a separate list to compare Steam's list to, but maybe it's worthwhile signing up for something like True Steam Achievements if it's important to you. Source: about 2 years ago
  • There are new achievements?
    OK looks like they've been picked up by and some people have them unlocked. Source: over 2 years ago
  • Any way to find out what this last achievement is? My steam username is proofedd
    A other way would also be to go on: Source: over 2 years ago
  • Which Steam games are worth 100% completing?
    Whether 100%'ing a specific game is worth it or not depends entirely on your preferences. I wouldn't put too much focus on achievements unless it brings you joy. I can't give you recommendations since I don't know your tastes. I'd simply pick a game you like. This website can help you track your progress, and it also has guides for most achievements. Source: over 2 years ago
  • Why can I see how rare my achievements are on the main page but when I click to see all achievements I cannot see how rare they are? Is there something I am missing or am I just dumb?
    You can click on view global achievement stats or go here been using true achievements back since I got my PS4 when trophy hunting. It’s a good site. Not only does it track your achievements and tell you how difficult it is. It also has user guides for getting achievements. Source: almost 3 years ago
  • Website for tracking Achievements - similar to PSNProfiles
    I use, I like the UI, and thanks to their equivalents for XBOX and PSN, you get links to achievements guides from other platforms, which helps when you need some tips. Source: almost 3 years ago
  • Man I wish achievos had the same satisfying feeling to them like on Xbox
    I wasn't trying to be too thorough on a system but what I meant by factoring in the percentage was that it was tied to the current percentage that they track for that achievement, so it wouldn't be set in stone and would change kind of like how your skill ranking in a game might change.You can see something similar on a site like TrueSteamAchievments. I was basing my idea off of the Xbox version of the site that I... Source: over 3 years ago
  • Achievements from DLC's should be grouped together on the achievements page, and progress for the base game and each DLC should be tracked individually.
    Https:// does something a lot like this. Source: over 3 years ago
  • Achievements from DLC's should be grouped together on the achievements page, and progress for the base game and each DLC should be tracked individually.
    Until this day comes, there's always True Steam Achievements. Source: over 3 years ago
  • Share achievements to Twitter? has some twitter integration. After you create an account, the settings are at Source: almost 4 years ago
  • Don't brag about it on reddit
    Bear in mind if you like using Achievement Tracking websites (example) they'll notice if you unlock something they've flagged as broken, but other than being banned by their leaderboards nothing will come of it. SAM's against Valve's ToS, but they do not care one bit. Source: almost 4 years ago

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