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SVGOMG is SVGO's Missing GUI, aiming to expose the majority, if not all the configuration options of SVGO.

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Social recommendations and mentions

We have tracked the following product recommendations or mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you see what people think about SVGOMG and what they use it for.
  • SVG Gobbler – Find, optimize, edit, and export SVGs
    I often go for but I see it has gotten company, which is great! - Source: Hacker News / 9 months ago
  • SVG Viewer – View, edit, and optimize SVGs
    Another web-based SVG tool I use regularly is, an extremely configurable optimizer. - Source: Hacker News / 10 months ago
  • How to make this map clickable?
    Im assuming if you click on the red dot you get to see the names. Try to get a svg without the names. Get it through SVGOMG and then make a component out of it. Add click listener to the dots and voila. Source: about 1 year ago
  • Why does Inkscape save my SVG file so large? Like, it's just a simple logo with 241 nodes.
    Use to strip out all the unnecessary data. Source: almost 2 years ago
  • TinyVG – an alternative binary encoded vector graphics format
    I came here to say the same thing. Somebody recently pointed me at a nice online GUI for svgo, so you can try it for yourself without installing anything: - Source: Hacker News / almost 2 years ago
  • Is there a pure SVG Editor?
    Use what ever you to create it the run it through Source: almost 2 years ago
  • Complex SVGs
    In addition to the good points others have posted, you could also try using the SVGOMG tool to reduce the final size. Source: almost 2 years ago
  • Big SVG holds back webpage
    For future reference if you’re not using it already, SVGOMG has any easy GUI to help optimize and reduce the file size of SVGs. Source: almost 2 years ago
  • Creating an interactive SVG: The circle of fifths
    Now, let’s add the staff, flats, and sharps. I grabbed the elements I needed from Wikimedia Commons, cleaned them up with Jake Archibald’s SVGOMG, and then I converted each into a  so I can them multiple times. - Source: / about 2 years ago
  • Best practice for images
    Extra tip, you can use svgomg to clean up your .svg file. - Source: / about 2 years ago

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