In case you're a fan of the oldschool Mario games and is looking for something similar to play, please check out Super Bombinhas, my retro 2D platformer. It's available on Steam but can also be downloaded for free on Source: over 2 years ago
Use this space to share anything related to Super Bombinhas, an open source, solo-developed, 2D platformer, available on and Steam. Source: about 3 years ago
By the way, it's worth mentioning that there's a .deb for Debian-based distros that you can get for free on Also, if you're willing to do a bit more work, you should also be able to run it on Mac - you'd just have to install Ruby and the Gosu and MiniGL gems, then clone the game's repo and follow the Readme. Source: about 3 years ago
Well, not sure what you consider noteworthy, but I think my game Super Bombinhas is definitely "something". It's got a lot of content. Here's the repository. Source: over 3 years ago
If you like platform games and open source, you'll probably enjoy Super Bombinhas, a 2D retro platformer that I published for Linux and Windows earlier this year. There's a .deb package ready to be installed and played, but it should also run in other distros by following the instructions in the repo's Readme. Source: over 3 years ago
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