Backup your Google Apps emails to local system instantly with Softaken Google Apps Backup software. The software download G Suite emails to PC by exporting into PST, EML, EMLX, MSG, and MBOX formats. Along with emails, backup of attachments of G Suite account to local system is generated by the software. With Google Apps emails, email components and formatting are properly retained and safely exported. Smooth backup of G Suite emails to PST and other formats is downloaded by the software. Softaken Google Apps Backup Tool can be downloaded easily on all versions of Windows operating system. A free edition of the program is available to judge and check the accuracy of the software. The demo edition is fully same as the licensed edition. However, only 10 items are exported from Google Apps account to local system. You can easily backup selected folders of G Suite account or can export complete G Suite account database to PC. There is no harm to the original hierarchy of email folders when you backup Google Apps emails. For any doubts, you can ask our support team 24*7.
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