SmartSuite is transforming how organizations get work done by providing a collaborative Work Management platform that enables teams to plan, track and manage workflows - whether it be a project, an ongoing process or routine everyday tasks.
SmartSuite helps coordinate people and work across all levels of an organization to ensure that team members have the information they need to accomplish the work that matters most. Team members can create the perfect workflow in minutes or choose from over 200 industry leading templates that can be quickly tailored to their exact needs. From simple to complex and everything in between, we have you covered!
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I recommend when it comes to building it with the flexibility you're referring to - great mobile interface and has the ability to manage CRM & Inventory needs with dozens of different field types. Source: almost 2 years ago
You can easily do this with SmartSuite You can build links between your objects, like, one parts linked to suppliers and price lists. With the upcoming update, you’ll be able to setup the entire inventory management, if needed. Go check it out. I know the system inside out, so feel free to chat in case of questions. Source: over 2 years ago
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