Official Website: new version is being released this week! Source: about 1 year ago
This is the web if someones interested Source: almost 2 years ago
Know more about : Source: over 2 years ago
Might be able to whitelable from other providers. I remember that was free and people were able to make the front end. Not sure if that is still the case. Competition is tough in this area. One competitive advantage might be to use normal IP addresses not addresses known to VPN providers., perhaps one of these services sells ip, idk. All I know is... Source: over 2 years ago
Be sure to check out the website: Source: over 2 years ago
Sentinel looks like an interesting project. Source: over 2 years ago
I want to say Sentinel dVPN so I can keep it in the IBC family, but I prefer AirVPN due to their port forwarding. I pay for the VPN. Free services will turn around and sell the data you provide them just by using their service. Source: almost 3 years ago
Coming in with a reminder for security. u/Sentinel_co, provides you with all the safety you need over the internet,you can explore via Source: about 3 years ago
There is also dVPN ( a decentralized VPN on the cosmos blockchain but I guess you have to setup obfuscation yourself in this case. Source: about 3 years ago
Learn more about sentnel here: Source: about 3 years ago
For more information about the Sentinel ecosystem and services Https:// Source: over 3 years ago
Sentinel (dVPN) is a network of independent dVPN applications and is build upon Cosmos-SDK. There is an Android app named Velocity VPN that uses dPVN to provide free VPN services. They support staking and are currently giving up to ~61% APY. Staking is supported at Cosmostation and Keplr Wallets. The project claims open source code and encrypted, permissionless and censorship resistant VPN networking. According... Source: over 3 years ago
Looking in the distance, you see many strangers holding large bags of something called DVPN. One man in his 40s, with a disproportionately large piece of luggage, asks you if you have seen a desktop version. You shake your head and he moves off, headed to a large gathering of people waiting to board a rocket. Source: over 3 years ago
dVPN is good one. I hold a small bag, just in case. Source: over 3 years ago
Feel free to follow the links below — Source: over 3 years ago
Check out Sentinel dVPN today - Source: over 3 years ago
Last I checked it was available on Linux, Windows, Mac, android, and IOS coming soon. Here is their website. Source: over 3 years ago
With the installed Sentinel software, the user can get node status, earning tokens for maintaining the network. #Sentinel #DVPN # web3 #crypto #Crypto #decentralized #VPN #CryptoNews #dailynews #Cosmos Source: over 3 years ago
Everyone loves upgrades and the community at Sentinel Protocol is no different. We are thrilled at our brand new, more web3 looking website 😍 Https:// Source: over 3 years ago
One of the benefits of using an open-source VPN like Sentinel DVPN as compared to a custom VPN is the fact that all the source code of the VPN apps is public, which ensures that the company isn’t hiding anything from you. Https:// Source: over 3 years ago
We’re living in times where internet privacy could soon become a myth with big tech companies doing everything to get hold of our data for advertising and other purposes. The solution is not just VPNs but VPNs that are open sourced like Sentinel DVPN for a good example. Https:// Source: over 3 years ago
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