shrug It finds its uses. It's just not that overstated. Sandspiel is quite popular and is built using WASM: Google Earth - Ruffle (the "make Flash run safely" tool) - Ableton's Learning Synths - etc etc. It's just hard to tell when something is using... - Source: Hacker News / 12 months ago
I don't really play games, but I spent a fair amount of time on sandspiel (I saw it on hackernews a few times). - Source: Hacker News / over 1 year ago
Sandspiel is a wonderful "Falling Sand" style game, and they just released Sandspiel Studio, which takes it into the programmable dimension, by actually letting you visually edit and define your own custom cellular automata rules using a Scratch-like block visual programming language! Source: about 2 years ago
That's one of my long time interests and hobbies, which I write about on HN and discuss with other people frequently. I'm supposed to be doing something else so I'll drop a few disorganized quotes and links here. (Sorry I didn't have time to be more concise!) I few years ago I ran across Max Bittker's beautiful "Sandspiel", which is a delightful cellular automata toy that simulates sand and other rules:... - Source: Hacker News / about 2 years ago
Adsense revenue on a simulation based web game,, Investing all of that money back into development though, it's a passion project. - Source: Hacker News / over 2 years ago
Https:// - late 2000's era website showing thousands of rare early internet memes. Source: over 2 years ago
These days when I want a falling sand game, I go to - Source: Hacker News / over 2 years ago
This falling sand game runs a particle simulation in rust compiled to web assembly and WebGL for fluid simulation Plus it’s strangely addictive. The creator even wrote a blog post describing how he made it. Press info on the top right to get an awesome breakdown of his approach. - Source: Hacker News / over 2 years ago
I found this little sand game today. Not sure how it's going to work with your phone, but I'd strongly recommend playing around with dust, oil, wind, and FIRE! Source: almost 3 years ago
Gotta mention since we’re on r/rust. Source: almost 3 years ago
Do you know an article comparing sandspiel to other products?
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