Generate a video online in one click. Rollideo works with AI-generated voices. These beautiful voices are getting really close to the best natural voices.
To automatically create videos with the voices and the subtitles, just fill an input text on Rollideo. You can create a video from any device, even a smartphone.
Options: masculine or feminine voice, different speaking styles, choose the background color and the background image.
Rollideo, the easiest way to create videos with AI voice-overs. Pitch: With Rollideo you can automatically create videos with auto-generated voice-overs & the exact subtitles. Say goodbye to all the troubles of recording your own voice for yours videos. And goodbye to the automatic captions full of mistakes. Source: over 2 years ago
Import requests, json, time APIKEY = 'YOUR SECRET KEY HERE' Voice1 = "Joanna" Text1 = "A super easy tool to automatically create videos with auto-generated voice-overs and the exact subtitles. Example of a video sequence with " + voice1 +"'s voice." Picture1 = '' Data = { 'text_segments': [ { 'api_source_type': 'picture', 'picture': picture1, ... - Source: / over 2 years ago
I present you Rollideo, a tool to automatically create videos with auto-generated voice-overs & the exact subtitles. All you need is an input text. Source: almost 3 years ago
Hello everyone. 4 months ago I launched the first version of Rollideo, a text to video creation tool. I have listened to the feedback, I have looked at the actual usage of the tools, and I have added new features: - the APIs allow the generation of longer videos with multiple video sequences - option to add a music track - 10 more languages for the voice-over One of the big advantage is that you can quickly... Source: almost 3 years ago
Hello everyone. 4 months ago I launched the first version of Rollideo, which allows to create a video from a text. You can check it here: Based on the feedback and the usage, new free features have been added: - the APIs allow the generation of up to 20 times longer videos with multiple video sequences - option to add a music track - 10 more languages for the voice-over - a list of... Source: almost 3 years ago
What are sticky elements? Sticky elements are the features that appear to follow you down the page as you scroll. You can see an example on the bottom right corner of my website Rollideo. - Source: / about 3 years ago
You can see an example on my website Rollideo: video generation from a text. This feature allows the user to choose his own picture to generate a video. - Source: / about 3 years ago
Example of usage from my website Rollideo: On the home page the user can click on a button to generate a video from a text, then a throbber is displayed to indicate that a process is running in the back-end. - Source: / about 3 years ago
You can see the behavior on my website where a YouTube video is embedded on the home page: - Source: / about 3 years ago
An automatic transcription tool is also called a Speech-to-Text. My website uses a Text-to-Speech API, the voices are generated by a neural network. Source: over 3 years ago
Try the website, it's straightforward. Source: over 3 years ago
The solution: I have developed Rollideo, an online tool to automate the video creation. Source: over 3 years ago
An example of automatic voice-over generation is Source: over 3 years ago
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