A startup from New York, United States that is founded by Daniel Ramot.
New York, NY
They could start a VIA program as well and offer that to teachers for free. Source: over 1 year ago
These systems always employ a private vendor who offers ride sharing software. Via is a primary player in this space. Municipalities put out an RFP and these companies bid, their app is then deployed with the transit providers branding, and then payments are handled by the transit provider. So, these apps/systems function very similar to an Uber or Lyft. Source: over 1 year ago
There’s an app called VIA. It’s about half price compared to Uber but same idea. They can pick up people on way but only if it’s a very similar to your route so it doesn’t add too much extra time unlike Uber pool. https://ridewithvia.com. Source: almost 2 years ago
Flex is a service offered by SMART Bus but the operation is outsourced to a company called Via. Many cities around the U.S. Have been trying out "microtransit" services with varying success. NPR did a story about it recently. It is not that much different than when the QLINE used the company, Transdev, as the operations company. They manage transit systems all over the world. QLINE wasn't happy with their service... Source: almost 2 years ago
BFT is using VIA for the connect service the last time I checked. Source: over 2 years ago
Otherwise Via have services operating in a few places accross Australia and US. Https://ridewithvia.com/. Source: over 2 years ago
Agreed, any new planning should include attractive public transport options. There are plenty of new technologies out there (such as via transportation) that allow for dynamic routing of buses or shuttles based upon passenger calls from mobile that I think would work great. We can solve this but given the span of our city (most people not working or living in actual urban Durham [which is quickly becoming... Source: over 2 years ago
I'm pretty sad that it's 2021 and we don't have lots of little smart minibuses running around on flexible routes. Kinda a cross between a bus and uber/lyft. I think Via (https://ridewithvia.com/) are trying to do this but hasn't really taken off afaik. Lyft Line also kinda tries to do this but rarely feels worth it somehow. Personally... I just bike whenever I can, but realize it's not for everyone. Source: about 3 years ago
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