So far prompt looks amazing, though it's crashing occasionally for no apparent reason. I'll try to track that down. Are you aware that there is already a terminal for iOS with the same name? - Source: Hacker News / 9 months ago
If you're on a recent macOS + iPad, there's Universal Control[0] (I use this as a way to have chat/mail on a second monitor). If you don't mind some noticeable latency, you can use it as a second display via Sidecar[1]. Finally, you can do the same thing described in the article with any terminal emulator app and SSHing into the remote system (I've had luck with Prompt[2]; which is available as a one-time $15... - Source: Hacker News / 11 months ago
Panic also makes a terminal SSH client for iOS called Prompt, but I don't think it lets you access a local terminal, only remote terminals. Source: almost 2 years ago
I use this: Source: almost 2 years ago
I use prompt, it's been great for me. Source: about 2 years ago
It’s a nice reading device. I would mainly use it to read news articles, documentation, maybe some books. You can also install an SSH client such as Prompt by Panic. Then you can connect it to a VPS or whatever. - Source: Hacker News / over 2 years ago
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