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One giant pixel canvas that anyone can draw on. Reviews and details

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  • Bye, Reddit. Thank you for the past nine years, but it's time to go.
    Https:// has many paintings but 8 (MVP) and 7 (default one) are the best. Source: over 1 year ago
    One example is (the base canvas is in the shape of a World map but you can change it). Source: almost 2 years ago
  • Taiyonian, hope you like it!
    Ye its an empire I have on Source: about 2 years ago
  • How can I delete my pixelplace account?
    Any idea how I can delete my account? Source: about 2 years ago
  • The Lottery War - Details in the Comments
    This is part of a project I'm calling The Lottery War. The map was created on Source: about 2 years ago
  • Lottery War News - Issue#1
    Greetings! Chances are, you are here from Welcome to The Lottery War subreddit, which is where all updates on what's happening on the map can be found. The world map is now complete, and final details are being sorted out before the results of the first drawing are announced. Source: about 2 years ago
  • How do i make this JS userscript continue to run?
    As the title says, I am using tampermonkey on a website called "" basically a recreation of the r/place event all the way back in 2017, and they allow bots, and the bot I have is decent, but it has an issue where when its trying to place pixels it does the majority of it and then it just skips some, then I have to manually restart the bot then turn it back on again. Over and over again until it is... Source: almost 3 years ago
  • * sorry for the link being wrong, but I heard there was something starting there as well as Source: almost 3 years ago
  • There's a website where us South Africans can make our own r/place! Should we make one?
    It's called, it's actually really cool. Source: almost 3 years ago
  • Place has ended.
    Https:// I found a website where it never ends. Source: almost 3 years ago
  • Did you like r/place? Try pixelplace!
    Hey did you like r/place are your now sad that its gone, have no fear, is here! Its basicly just r/place :). Source: almost 3 years ago
  • Why ant r/place just always exist? is a good alternative to place though. It has an infinite map as well. Source: almost 3 years ago
  • petition to make r/place a yearly event
    Wouldn't be the same. for example its existed since 2017 and its pretty popular but people like it for its different canvases (there are thousands) but /7 used to be as active as rplace in a way but its just a bunch of random dots and sometimes bot art now. r/place won't be the same as this but would lose the magic and not be fun. Source: almost 3 years ago
  • Check out! maybe a good alternative for r/place and has been around for half a decade and has a thriving community around the site. Anyone can make their own canvas in so if you and your friends want to make a canvas then you can! Source: almost 3 years ago
  • About the failed Mariya Takeuchi mural on r/place
    But just because the dream dies on r/place doesn't mean it's forever nonexistent. If anyone wants to start work on the mural on similar sites, such as, and, that'd be much appreciated. I think pixelplace has the option to make a private canvas but there are additional features for premium users. Perhaps we can make a dedicated city pop pixel canvas sometime in the future. Source: almost 3 years ago
  • Why aren't we able to change the anarcho-communist flag to ours?
    Because they have more people willing to waste their time in fighting over it. It's a head-on battle, meaning you're playing into their strengths. If you want to win, aim for their weaknesses instead. Perhaps find another canvas game to make your flag before they have time to notice (e.g. Source: almost 3 years ago
  • Welcome to r/place
    Https:// has blank paintings. Source: almost 3 years ago
  • Play on while waiting on your cooldown here, no cooldown there, and it's active right now.
    Play on while waiting on your cooldown here, there is no cooldown there and tons of people are playing it right now. Source: almost 3 years ago
    People from (the worst clone of place) are trying to make their logo at 540,100! Source: almost 3 years ago
  • Bringing Back r/place
    Anyone know other clones/alternatives that's not,, or Source: almost 3 years ago
  • The Great Trial Awaits
    R.5 On I had used a bot to turn all of European Russia into the Black League It is still up if you go onto the aforementioned website however vandalism has happened to it. Source: about 3 years ago

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