PingPong status pages; the free all-in-one status communications tool. Companies rely on PingPong status page platform to communicate system outages and scheduled maintenances to users and showcase historic system monitoring.
Respond faster and easier to incidents with PingPong Slack app. Reach all your users during incidents with integrations to Slack, SMS, WhatsApp, Telegram, and 10+ more... Showcase the status of your service in with PingPong app for Intercom Messenger.
Monitor your website from 10 locations worldwide and showcase uptime to your users on the status page. Monitor external third-party services that your service relies on and get notified when they impact your service.
Customize the status page to fit your brand, with own domain and styling. Available in 17 languages. Sign up for free today
Promote PingPong Status Pages. You can add any of these badges on your website. — Advanced status page platform with monitoring. Free tier includes one public customizable status page with SSL subdomain. Pro plan is offered to open-source projects and non-profits free of charge. - Source: / almost 2 years ago
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