Everyone knows Zip file specially used to compress files and folders and reduce the hard drive space. Managing lots of the number of files and folders is very complex work daily and when we know some files or folders are not on used on daily basis, So we go for creating an archive file like zipping and compress all the backup of files and folders and protect it with password from unauthorized access. PassFixer Zip Password Recovery software is most helpful in case when you lost or forgot the Zip file opening password. You know very well without the original password, The Zip file can’t be opened. The Zip Unlocker software only requires a protected Zip file and executive its strong algorithm of unprotection technology and decrypts the Zip file within minutes.
1) Zip Password Recovery software uses Brute Force technology to unprotect the Zip file.
2) Mask Attack with Brute Force is most helpful if the user knows something about the password combinations.
3) The software has a feature “Copy to Clipboard” to copy the recovered complex password
4) The software has a very simple flow of its work such as- Select Zip file, Choose Recovery Attack option, and click on Recover button.
5) Demo edition of the software is available to download and recover 3-character Zip password.
6) PassFixer Zip Password Recovery is Windows platform software and install on any version of Windows OS.
7) All versions of the Zip file supported by the software.
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