It is, but it's not really the most accurate emulator so you may encounter graphical glitches and/or sound cracking, because the emulator is made to run on old computers and focuses on speed. I suggest you look for a alternative if you have a modern computer, you'll find others here, but No$GBA is fine if you really want or need it. The official website is here (use this link if the official site is out, it's a... Source: over 1 year ago
If you don't want to hunt for DS firmware, No$GBA is another great emulator that has existed ever since Nintendo DS was released. Make sure you download if from as the top result isn't its official site. Source: almost 2 years ago
On android DraStic is the best one, on PC No$GBA seems to be the most updated one with DSi enhancements support. Source: almost 3 years ago
Using no$gba works slightly better than dslink with wifiboot, but wifiboot just doesn't really work with homebrew made with devkitARM. Source: over 3 years ago
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