Just tried and it works at both telegram client from an official website (android) or web version at webk.telegram.org (either mobile or desktop). I got link to the bot from /r/zlibrary Megathread head message. Source: about 2 years ago
There are also different urls for these apps as well: Https://webk.telegram.org/ and https://webz.telegram.org/. Source: over 2 years ago
HTML, CSS, JavaScript (Dart in this case) if used wisely can produce powerful UIs, too. Just take a look at Telegram Web (Written in pure JavaScript with no popular framework/library). It has overlaying scrollbars, robust animations, etc. Source: over 2 years ago
I also don't have the Telegram app installed on my phones, but mine are are Android. I use Via Browser to view Telegram on https://web.telegram.org or Https://tel.onl or https://webk.telegram.org or https://webz.telegram.org. Once I'm logged into one of those sites in Via, it keeps me logged in, so I don't have to go through the code verification process after the first time. Source: about 3 years ago
Check if you can message non mutuals in https://webk.telegram.org/. Source: over 3 years ago
-Telegram Webapp (the webk version is the smoothest : webk.telegram.org). Source: over 3 years ago
SMS login is broken in the Telegram desktop app and at web.telegram.org and now also at https://webz.telegram.org/ and https://webk.telegram.org/. Source: over 3 years ago
You may try to use any of Telegram web clients: web.telegram.org, webz.telegram.org, webk.telegram.org. Source: over 3 years ago
Web K (https://webk.telegram.org/) is still accessible and appears in sessions with a different version number. Source: over 3 years ago
Creators's Update No.1: Copyretards Hooray! We've been noticed! Copyretards had just tried to restrict your rights to learn. Now iOS and Androids users can expirence issues with accessing the bot. Although the total drawdown of queries to the bot is just about 20% (what surprised me) here are workarounds until I'm creating new aliases for the bot: - Use one of two of official web-based versions of Telegram: WebK... Source: over 3 years ago
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