Modshield SB Enterprise grade Web Application Firewall, powered by Modsecurity and OWASP CRS, is now available as a virtual instance in all the cloud marketplaces and as a VM physical infrastructure. Get it today and stay protected against threats in real-time.
It supports HTTP and HTTPS requests for apps hosted either in a single server or load-balanced across multiple servers. It also supports an unlimited number of domains within a single instance and a single license cost. The device is continuously updated with curated risk intelligence for real-time protection.
Our WAF allows you to restrict your user base depending on geographies. You can selectively allow or block users from specific countries. With the Bot/Spider/Crawler/Scanner protection, the WAF also protects your app server from unanticipated load and avoids the app server being crawled by malicious bots.
It has a simple intuitive dashboard making accessible KPIs beneficial for monitoring and regulatory compliance. By deploying a WAF in a website application, we put a shield between the website application and the users, validating and filtering out requests that seem malicious. A WAF works best as a part of a comprehensive app security program. Our product can integrate with all monitoring tools, making it easier for you to have centralized control.
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